[Princeton] Tartan Bat Signal

Jan 18, 2009 11:24

Who: Rogue and Lachlan
Where: PPTH
When: Late Saturday
Follows: THIS and THIS

Rogue was still seated in emergency, coat wrapped tightly around her as her leg bounced and she chewed on the end of the plastic spoon she'd used for her tea. Her brown eyes flicked around, searching all the faces to see if any of them could tell that she'd just managed to cause her husband to slip into a coma. To see if they could tell that she'd drained too much of him.

After calling Lachlan for help, she'd thought about calling Logan, but there was nothing he would be able to do. Logan couldn't heal her husband, and he couldn't even really help Rogue. If she touched Logan as well she'd just wind up a bizarre combination of the Doc, and Logan. Her own personality was still in there somewhere, occasionally coming to the surface.

Her hand pressed against her swollen belly and she sucked on the spoon. She had no idea what the absorption meant for their child. She didn't think Lachlan would know either, but he could help try and make sure Chase was alright. At least he was a doctor, Rogue was just acting like one.

[location] princeton, [ship] chase/rogue, [ship] tara/lachlan, [who] lachlan, [who] rogue, [place] ppth

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