[Princeton] Doing nothing much at all

Oct 22, 2008 19:57

Who: Riley & Evie
Where: Home, Princeton
When: Tuesday
Follows: Everything on the weekend


Riley shifted restless on the sofa beside Evie. He scrunched his nose up a little and uncurled his legs from underneath him to change positions again, this time sideways facing her with his leg slung over her knee. He reached over his shoulder to scratch at the edge of the tattoo dressing. The bastard was itchy. And he felt hot, and uncomfortable, and just... thingy.

He rubbed his nose and tried to get settled. The plan was to watch a movie, but so far, he'd been mostly uncooperative. He unhooked his leg from over hers and hung the other one over instead, making it easier for him to tuck his arm around his belly and aim for a position he was actually settled in.

[location] princeton, [who] riley, [ship] riley/evie, [place] riley/evie/pat's apartment, [who] evie

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