[MEXICO] Karaoke Night!

Nov 28, 2008 20:08

Who: Aiden, Pat, Lachlan, Tara and anyone else who wants to tag in!
Where: Mexico
When: Thursday night
Follows: Everything in Mexico


It was Karaoke Night at the resort, much to a good portion of the group's pleasure. Singing and music was definitely a One True Love of many of them, be it professional or otherwise. The place was packed and there was no doubt everyone was buzzing. Pat dragged Aiden along, even though he doubted Mr Publicity himself would take the mic. Tara and Lachlan sat at one of the tables with their favourite Scot looking more than a little worse for wear and making random bolts to the men's room now and again. Seems Tara wasn't going to let him wallow in their suite for the rest of the holiday.

Pat was up at the Karaoke microphone right in the middle of an enthusiastic rendition of 'River Deep, Mountain High' and he could see Cameron at the bar sniggering. Aiden was sitting on the end of Tara and Lachlan's table, fingers in his mouth as he whistled in encouragement. It certainly promised to be a fun night, if not very interesting.

[plot] mexico trip, [who] pat, [who] lachlan, [who] aiden, [location] mexico, [who] tara

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