Title: Vampire no Koi ~Kinda no Ai ga Umareta~ ヴァンパイアの恋 ~禁断の愛が生まれた~
Author: Nicola
Genre: Action, Mystery, Romance, School, Supernatural
Characters: Hey! Say! JUMP, OCs with some others
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters in this story except for a few OC's, the plot and the idea
Ria Royal Private Schools, an ordinary elite school on the cover, has a deep secret hidden inside not even known to all its students. This is a school for both human teenagers and… vampire youths.
A boy and a girl, each belonging to their own respective world… an unforgiving feeling is born…
Chapter 8: So It Begins…
nbsp; Who was it really to choose who were to be special, or ordinary? Who possessed power to rule over humans, or other beings? What determines “ordinary” is none other than ourselves. If we are ordinary, then what are special? If we are special, then who is ordinary? If we blame all these on fate, will we be able to change it with our own hands and to grab what we think are rightfully ours?
A liquid just fell on Kaho’s hand as she kept chasing her prey in front of her. Continued running, she bumped into the now halted Daiki before she noticed the fluid on her hand.
“Daiki?…” She said looking up slowly from the drop on her hand up his back. Putting her hand on his shoulder, she walked around him only to see a shocking scene…
Blood kept falling from his nose down his face and onto the ground like an on-going tap of running water, only in a more concentrated form. Daiki was shocked himself as well. Wiping it off with his bare hands, it ended up staining them and his uniform in scarlet colour.
“Ryosuke? Ryosuke, are you alright?” Upon seeing his face turned pale as he covered his mouth to stop the urge to puke, Yuto rubbed his back and tried to make him feel better.
This is weird. Yuto thought. It was always him who was eased by others; this time, it was his turn to rub someone’s back.
Ryosuke slowly looked up to his concerned friend, “yeah, I’m okay.” Setting his sight out the window, he said slowly, “it feels disgusting.”
“You start feeling it.” Yuto sighed slightly and gave him a smile. “You’ll get use to it soon. After all, it was like this when we know of your existence. They’re making the preparation for the newborn in the dungeon, let’s go.” He padded his shoulder and went for the door.
Ryosuke took a good look at his reflection on the window glass as the sun starting to set. He had stopped looking at mirrors or any reflective objects for a while now, he had almost forgotten how he looked. What he saw at this moment was merely a pretty face that drew attentions. His blood made him elite from others, enhanced him in every categories. He hated it. Ever since that day, he was no longer ordinary…
“DAIKI!” Kaiyu ran to catch her friend as his legs failed on his body.
“My head hurts…” Clinching his head tightly, “water…” He spoke with minimum volume in Kaiyu’s arms, barely audible to the two.
“Kaho, water!” As the other girl panicked and searched for the said item.
Handing the cup of cold water to Kaiyu, the other girl said, “I should go get Inoo-senpai! He will know what to do.”
“No…” Said Daiki weakly, “I’m… fine.”
“How are you fine when you’re nose bleeding and headache like crazy?” Kaho rose to her knee, “I’m getting Inoo-senpai.”
Daiki grabbed hold of Kaho’s hand, “no.” He said firmly. To their surprised, he was standing up straight, as if the headache was gone, and the nose bleed had stopped as well, never better than his former self.
Wiping the blood off his upper lips, he apologized to them for tainting their room.
To assure the two girls, he said again, “I’m fine.” Still receiving doubts from the two, “okay okay, I’ll go back to my room and rest properly. Meanwhile, you two continue practicing!” walking to the door as he spoke, “sorry Kaiyu, I’ll rehearse with you another time, okay?” And he exited, leaving the anxious duo in their room.
“What?! What do you mean, Father?” He almost yelled slamming his hands on the desk where the other man was sitting across from.
“Exactly what I said, my son.” Calmly resting his arms on the desk.
Clinching his fists tight, Keito lowered his head and shivered as his grip grew stronger.
“The preparations were already completed.” He gave an assuring squeeze on Keito’s shoulder. “Everything will be fine. It will be the same as before, like the time with Yamada.”
No… It wasn’t the same… He changed ever since that day. He became isolated, distanced, and his smile… was gone…
nbsp; Keito wasn’t angry about the news, nor did he hate it when it happens. He was feeling frustrated at himself, the useless self that weren’t able to do anything to help his friends…
“I’m back…” Daiki opened the door to his room, massaging his temples as the headache grew.
“Welcome back.” Came the reply.
Daiki looked up suddenly as he recognized the voice didn’t belong to his roommate, Keito.
His sight fell upon a tall figure leaning against the desk in front of the window. It was hard to tell who it was due to the brightness from outside.
“We’ve come to pick you up.”
He jotted after he finally made out the face in front of the sun. “Yabu-senpai!” Daiki was at first confused at the statement and the elder’s presence, but then recalled that he was suppose to setup the stage and banners with the other committee members for the School Festival a few days from now.
“Oh, if it’s about the stage setup, I’m sorry but I’m not feeling well right now…”
“That’s not it.” Yabu cut him off.
Yabu slowly walked toward his junior, “come with us.” He looked into Daiki’s eyes with a different gaze than usual, as if they were emitting some sort of invisible delusions into the other’s. With that, the boy’s eyelid got heavy as his legs gave up on him as well.
A hand caught his body before it hit the ground.
Yabu walked closer to the unconscious figure. “I’m sorry, but I’m afraid you won’t be able to participate in the Festival.” He said, patting the boy’s hair and wiping the sweats forming on his forehead.
“He’s lucky to be born in this time, if it was a couple decades back…” Takaki’s voice faded out looking at the boy in his arms.
Yabu turned around, “let’s go.”
Moonlight shone into the room through the half-opened curtains. A girl held her knee close to her chest while sitting on the side of her bed, head leaning against the wall looking up at the full moon. Her face slightly visible from the shine.
“My head hurts… water…”
The scene from this evening replayed in her head. “Water…” Daiki’s words slowly blended with another voice surfacing within her heart, until it fully faded out and all there was left was the other familiar voice.
A bright smile beamed toward her.
He led the way holding her hand.
A very ensuring back walked in front of her.
A figure’s shadow blocked the sunlight on top. Traces of scarlet could be seen on the beautiful feature of his.
Half her face was covered by her bands. A trail of shining droplet fell along the side of her face.
“Who are you…”
Completely unaware by anyone, that the Wheel of Fate could no longer be stopped…