Title: Light and Shade
Author: Nicola
Genre: Supernatural, Tragedy
Original Run: Dec. 20, 2007
Ten years passed since Izayoi left the Country of Light. In these years, both Izayoi and Helen made a huge amount of progress and has developed new magic and skills. Helen became a skilled White Magician and is now the leader of the special division of country affairs; Izayoi learned many difficult and dangerous dark magic spells and became one of the Royal Guardians of the Country of Shade.
On a full moon's night, the Royal Guardians were sent to the Country of Light to assassinate their King, the former Chief Magician and Izayoi’s father. On the other hand, the Country of Light had already gained information about this assassination and had been prepared for it.
“I never thought I would meet you again ten years later in this situation...” Helen said to Izayoi sadly.
“Neither have I, but if you are my enemy, I will eliminate you!” Izayoi responded.
“Why? You were always a kind-hearted girl, why have you changed so much?”
“I was foolish then, but I no longer am. There are two ways of living in this world: kill or be killed. Showing your enemies mercy will only result in your own death.” Izayoi said cruelly with a cold smile on her face.
They started their fight after this short conversation. Since both of them are top-magicians of their country, the magical power they released was so great that no one was able to get anywhere near them.
The battle ended in Izayoi’s victory. Seconds prior to Helen’s death, she said to Izayoi, “Regardless of what had happened... you’re always...” She died without finishing her last words to Izayoi. She coldly whispered, “I’ve told you kindness will only kill you, now farewell...”
Suddenly, Kahiro appears, he said in amusement, “Lady Izayoi? What have you done? Why did you kill Lady Helen?” “Kahiro, you’re as innocent as always.” “Even after you left the country, Lady Helen always believed in you, knowing that you will come back to us...” he said with tears, “Why would you do such a thing?!” He drew his sword at her. Izayoi looked at him, “I did not plan to hurt you, but you leave me no choice.” She shouted out a magic spell and he took a direct hit. “Lady Izayoi, I believed in you...” he tried his best to get to her. She disdained to response to him. He grabbed her cloak, “I still believed that one day you will return to us...” he fell down afterwards.