just finished watching the 1st episode of「The Mystiries of Love」(HK drama),
when I saw the ending, it really scared me a little
from the beginning I'd already felt that the directing's different from previous dramas,
until the ending song comes up, it wasn't using still scenes like before,
but employed elements of Japanese dramas,
made a MV especialy for the drama/song
maybe 'cause I watched too many J-PV's,
although I love Raymond (MV singer) so much, it does seems a little less compared to those in Japan
MV's not really good, the emotion/feelings and CG still have to be improved
I hope Raymond can keep +oil in the future and produce better MV's! (clap clap clap)
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記得當時誰路過 秒針忽然停頓過
記憶不停重疊過 你的表情提示過
想法太亂 幻覺太多
疑慮很大 直到說不清楚
心算太慢 但仍然算錯
找對人 偏錯過
直到開始想喜歡我 直到終於不喜歡我
直到碰上一個 逃避一個
追不上 躲不過
直到開始找不到我 直到終於不想找我
直到你擦身過 才認得我
彼此也在折磨 像當初
想法太亂 直覺對麼
疑慮很大 直到愛不清楚
當這世上 全懷疑我錯
總有人 相信我
直到開始想喜歡我 直到終於不喜歡我
直到碰上一個 逃避一個
追不上 躲不過
直到開始找不到我 直到終於不想找我
直到你擦身過 才認得我
彼此也在折磨 像當初