Sep 01, 2010 00:26
I might post my full schedule up as it is now with panels... for now just when I will (probably) be wearing costumes ;)
I hope to make it to the Death Troopers shoot to say HI XD but no promise since I have to eat and pick up my badge and I will probably be very jetlagged after 9 hours flight...
so I may or may not be in cosplay
Doing the strike team in the morning and afternoon and at around 3 I'm going to change into NJO Anakin for A/T photoshoot with blood_sorbet <3
Wearing Cagalli (Gundam Seed) for the parade. Then probably wearing Anakin the rest of the day because I want to do a lot of EU panels this day
Wearing Ben until around 5 then I'm going to help blood_sorbet with her goddess photoshoot. Probably I will change into Cagalli for that if I still feel like wearing costume
No plans XD Happy to do more LOTF/NJO/Strike team shoots :D text me if you need me (before you call please because I have limited call time :))
d*c 2010