Feb 22, 2007 20:44

So. Who *really* reads the full updates for meets they've never been to? It's why... I've done... THIS! (what a pain to upload because Flock doesn't work)

Photos credit to whoever I stole them from. XDD GOODBYE 56K.

So, I made my way to Marylebone station. 12:03:47, I recall. Or so. I saw nisou and doraichan. pillsburry wasn't there yet but eventually turned up with black_dranzer, li_cheng_yang and ramengobbler. And adziu soon arrived.

The adventure... featuring...

ZIWEI [nisou] - "We know what you did last summer"

BRAD [black_dranzer] - "We meet again, Mr. Anderson"

DODO [doraichan] - "Chaaarliiieeee! Candy Mooouuunntain!"

TOMTOMTOMTOMTOM [adziu] - "It's over nine thoussaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnddddddd!"


SAKU [li_cheng_yang] - "Nyappy!"

PILLY [pillsburry] - "Y halo thar. Follow me to Condom Wing?"

AAAAND... XIA [wait, that's me.] - "Do not want, Lamborghini. Do not want."

We went to Pilly's, and whilst we started by watching Excel Saga, whilst I was on the AOD and ADC forums, but nothing interesting was happening. The pizza was being ordered and Pizza Hut failed us by not having the deal they said they had on their website. Domino's also scared us off from buying from them because... THEY FOUND US! O__O Anyway, after 2 episodes of Excel Saga, it arrived. The amount of dips was severely disappointed. Think two McDonalds sized dips.

Around the beginning. Five minutes later...

Holy Shiz, pigging out much?

Yes. We do eat. UNLIKE BRAD. >__>

A phone call from Charles [wellbuggerthis] and drinks later, we headed off to Candam Wing. Which got misheard by someone for Condom Wing. And so was born, Femmidom Seed Destiny. It was our mission to get there and to angst. About war. Damn war... *shakes fist* But first!


Why am I facing forward in the boys' group photoshot?


We had to walk around and around those doors of a very posh bank. 8D Again, desu.

What's the funnest way to get there? Pondered Pilly. "BY BUS!"

You've never seen a group so happy waiting for a bus.

Me and Pilly hid. Evidently.

We arrived! ... They did, anyway.

Confusion and angst ensued. But we resolved it by...

Making us a band! With more members than Morning Musume...

Probably more camp too. But then...

Lamborghini found his one love.

And Tomtomtomtom found his true form. We disbanded.

And we strolled to the ice-cream parlour.

The fight for the ice-cream!

Dodo wins.

After that, we met David. ["You don't know David?!"] Then it was the DOUBLE MEET! And then we went to Mile End and then hiked to his place but Brad, Lamborghini and Tomtomtomtom departed from us. Dodo and Ziwei didn't stay long either. I met a few people whose names I can remember... [...] ... mostly and a few people I knew were also there. Ooo, Eren [mikanosuke] also came. Anyway, I mostly talked to Saku and Pilly for the rest of the night. We were talking about angst and LJ and stuff. XD Ohoh, and I told them, and Eren of my stalker. Stalker #1212010452. And yes. Scaryness. D: I Guitar Hero'd with Pilly ["I wanna play someone crap... PILLY? 8DDDD"] and then I beat her and she emo'd. =[ I'M NOT SORRY. AHAH. And then we left.

Naomi: You're leaving?
Xia: Yeah... your party sucks, man!
Naomi: It's not mine! *looks to David*

We stood outside some shop for like... ages though. And Charles got attacked by a bike. Which disappeared. Ooo~~ spooky. And then we departed from Saku. So I was left with Pilly... (dammit. XDD) And Hemel. But we scared him. Because I was talking about how Hello Kitty tries to kill me. =[ And that was that.


photospam, meetup, not lame*

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