
Nov 26, 2006 18:55

I only had £30 today but was bored so I got outta bed at 3pm (... hah) and then went out. I ended up buying presents finally for everyone. Didn't think I had enough. I was all "the maximum presents I'll end up buying is about... six... but that's not gonna happen". And I was right. It didn't happen. I bought nine. 8D With change remaining. Awesome much? I didn't know M&S were so awesome. So with that spare change, I went and bought wrapping paper and gift tags - and I never wrap presents. And I found out me and my friend bought the exact same card sets. XD

Shopping for others makes me happy. o__O;

Ooo ooo! And... French guys creep me out. Furthermore, French 20ish year old guys creep me out. Ah, and FRENCH 20ISH YEAR OLD GUYS WHO HIT ON ME creep me out. o__o


shopping, hit on

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