Note to self: Must stop accidentally keep stealing Maths books from school.
I found my Maths Core 1 book. It's at home. ... OH.
Today was okie-dokie. I got to show off my watch. =3 Kinda. Didn't do it so much. I did it but not in a "OMG EVERYONE LOOK" kind of way. Just in a "ehh, what's the time...?" "OMG YOUR WATCH IS SO COOL I want it T__T" "I'll get you one for your birthday!" "It's passed T___T" "I know 8D" kind of way...
Maths was all "jkaskk *dies*" and then I got it. 8D Economics was all "uhh I think it's this but I won't say =x" and then my friend said it and it was right and the teacher praised her. XD Ah well. Um~ oh yeah, sitting on my own in ICT makes me do work. O__O Everyone was all sitting on one side so I just sat at the back, on a different side, on my own... so... I was all *shuns!* and *shunned!* and... I DID WORK. O___O Instead of blaming lack of motivation.
HOMG MOTIVATION TO DO WORK COMING BACK must stop blogging and must do work to not waste it...
NMAC today suckz0red because asdlklasdls YEAR 7'S SHUT THE HELL UP jksasjsls I'm watching ;_____; *spazspaz* 3 more members until 30 though. And we're like... gonna deprive them of free food for 2 weeks and see how that goes. 8DD MORE MONEY FOR ME. Why did I write "more monkey for me" there...
I can't wait 'til Auchinawa. *knows full well she isn't going* TIME IS MONEY, KIDDOS.
In other news, was talking to Charles yesterday and was surprised how me,
asian_demon and
wickio have known each other for bejeezus-ages. Ahh~ I really did think he'd be one of those I'd only ever meet once and not know again but I'm pretty happy that, hmm, someone new is coming into our li'l group. Possibly. We shall see.