Expo October 2006

Oct 30, 2006 22:33

"It won't be perfect... but it'll be as good as!"
~Qex, before London Expo
[T H E _ W E E K E N D]


- Got to Westminister at 9.40am'ish and then later found out the annually_lame meet was at Tottenham Court Road station. XD;;
- Meet with those at annually_lame there. [tonks2006 (Oneechan), pillsburry, adziu, thomasvye and Bunny-chan)
- Pizza Hut'd with them and eventually met up with asian_demon (later renamed 4.13) and ramengobbler
- Pizza Hut started off good then a bit boring and then was HILARIOUS. We played 'Chinese Whispers' and I had to say "I love penis" because someone messed it up. XDD Best game of 'Chinese Whispers' ever. The others were random. Unless they were random to begin with.
- Then me and asian_demon decided to go back to the hotel.
- We watched a bit of tv (missed Q.I. and 8 Out Of 10 Cats DDD:) and then played games ON THE TV with the PLAYSTATION CONTROLLER o__O Crash Bandicoot Warped! Memories... Played until 4am in the morning, whilst talking about all sorts.
- Err... slept. XDD Ohoh. The bed was confusing. So I first slept ABSOLUTELY FREEZING. And then I realised the blanket thingy was underneath. XD

- Ohh day of doom. Got up at 8am'ish. Met with Hamed (and him and asian_demon kept picking on me! XD), wickio♥ eventually and then with xashex (which all took too long .__.) and then headed to Mr. Expo. XDD
- On the DLR replacement bus, I found Neo from AZ:UK! He was just a random helpful guy to everyone else but it was when he talked I realised who he was exactly.
- LOOONG QUEUE. Took ages. And then I tried to spot anyone I knew. And then I found Oneechan and the other Lame*'ers! I MET GAVIN FINALLY. That was cool. Um. *think* Ohh yeah, my friends were le rude because they didn't even bother trying to talk to them [the Lame*'ers]. T___T So I did. ♥ (braaaaap, that's DEEEEP. Seen seen. XD)
- Got in AS A CHILD woot. XD
- Got reeaal dizzy (claustrophobic attack) so I sat in the centre. Space rescued me.
- Went and sat outside, with nandayo, harripanda, Pip and Space, of course.
- Texted xashex, wickio, asian_demon and mikanosuke that I was 'hobo'ing outside'. Only asian_demon and (eventually) mikanosuke rang/texted back to see if I was okay. ♥
- In the end, everyone came, and whilst I was still hobo'ing, I spotted Oneechan so I ran to her and she swung me back and then dropped me. XD And then she made everyone glare evilly at wickio because he wouldn't talk to me as much. Although I'm glad I saw Oneechan again. Because before that, I was going "I want my Oneechan... ;-;" and no one knew who she was.
- Um... headed off to drop xashex off.
- We (me, wickio, mikanosuke, asian_demon and Hamed's friend, Charles) set off to meet Simon to restaurant it.
- There, we saw eroshikj, ultimaj, Ichiro and Simon's sister, Linda, and o__O I knew them all beforehand! Holy crap, I'm famous.
- Aaaate. Well, feasted. Plain rice = ♥
- We went to Rendevous after so everyone ate ice-cream whilst mikanosuke read his yaoi doujin. ... Yeah.
- Afterwards, we stood outside and talked. o__o We then realised it was around 11.30pm'ish and Charles couldn't go home, nor could mikanosuke so we invited them to stay with us.
- You'd think I'd write 'sleep' here. But no. I was studying whilst everyone was trying to find porn on asian_demon's laptop (to no success).
- No sleep yet. We listened to music and watched stuff and talked in general.
- I kept dozing off and then kept waking up again.
- I learnt Korean. And I taught mikanosuke some Economics but his attention span kept going.
- Napped again.
- Woke up to sort out who's sleeping where. Decided to go up to the 712 room with Charles and wickio (harhar, threesome).
- Erm. Sleep. Yay XD

- Woke up and decided not to meet up with anyone.
- Blahblah. Claustrophobic attack. x__x With no one to rescue me...
- Watched the masquerade and then got the hell out.
- wickio and mikanosuke were still in and I couldn't get in because Expo was closing down.
- nandayo//senshimedia saved the day and said that I was helping out so I could get in. ♥
- Several people wanted to take a picture of me in mah Maneki-chan cosplay. For some odd reason. ^^;
- I saw the Tokonatsu group on my way out but err... people who aren't exactly fond of me were there so I decided not to say hello. o__o
- Umm... we went home. And I gave xashex the greatest advice ever. "Don't get raped! ^____^"
- We headed to Kings' Cross St. Pancras to drop off wickio who gave me and asian_demon dvds. I can't remember which ones. x__x
- Me, asian_demon and mikanosuke went to McDonald's where 'professional theives' worked at. XD
- On my journey home, I fell asleep (T___T) so I missed my stop! So I took a bus back.
- Home! SLEEP.



My apologies go to the following who I didn't get to see due to my claustrophobic attacks:
darkkyuzo: wasn't fair because I wanted to see you
onsentamago: daaa~! ;-;
waka_laka: ;___;
xashex: I hardly got to really talk to you so I'm sorry. -___-
whenuaretehmoon: I can't believe I missed your Nami cosplay. T___T I'm sorry!
Jen, Sai, Andy and co.: Summer schoolians! I'm sorry I didn't get to see you. T___T
And the uh, rest. XDD; But those especially!

And also to wickio, mikanosuke and asian_demon who had to put up with my claustrophobic attacks. Maybe I should grow taller and then I could perhaps take the crowdedness in.


tonks2006: *refers to asian_demon* What's his name?
princessxia: *looks at mobile* 4.13.
tonks2006: Wtf, your friend's name is 4.13?

asian_demon: *glares at me and xashex* I swear you two were at the same height at Tokonatsu.
princessxia: Shoes.
Everyone: XDD

princessxia: ADC-Elites suck.
wickio: Yeah, I know, they're just really crap. *watches Eyeshield 21*
princessxia: I've still only seen one episode of that. I'm still waiting for Wild-Card to fansub it. They're so slow.
wickio & mikanosuke: XDDD

Err... maybe more... I forget though. After the restaurant meetup, everyone admired my bag. XD

asian_demon: Will we get to see Eilidh?
princessxia: No... .____.;; Ah well, I'll get to see her next year!
asian_demon: ... Rude. XDD

princessxia: *stares at girl walking by* SHE HAS MY SKIRT T___T *glares evilly*
Said girl: *blows a kiss*
princessxia: ... Wtf, I DON'T SWING THAT WAY! T___T

wickio: Gonna get picked up when I get there.
mikanosuke: What if the train stops at a cheese shop?
wickio: Then... I'll tell them I'm outside the cheese shop.
princessxia: What if it's Cheese St. Pancras?
mikanosuke & wickio: XDDD
wickio: I'll, er, specify.

I probably forgot the best quotes.


Oneechan, don't worry, I'm okay (on all levels). ^___^ Thanks to everyone who tried to look after me those two days. Even if they kept a lookout for me or just sat with me for 2 minutes. I probably would've been more than upset otherwise.

I've never had claustrophobic attacks before. In fact, I just made that term up. But I don't know what else to call it. But damn. I just stepped into Expo the second time on Saturday when I was actually feeling alright and god, just one step made me feel dizzy and want to collapse. If I knew I was so claustrophobic in the first place, I would stick to everyone like gum.

On the weekend I had (in total) 8 hours sleep maximum. But I've caught up on sleep now. According to my calculations.


Good weekend. ^___^ So tiring... and I broke my oyster card. It had a good £6.60 in it too. ;-; Buuut. I somehow had fun. o___o? But it was like Tokonatsu 2006, as expected... but even better! With less hitting on me. And more hugs. And more staying up.

Aw, Oneechan cares for me lots and lots! ^___^ *luffs her Oneechan too*


Ooo, I'm Miko Sukoshi now. ^___^ And I finished Dorama Duckies (kinda..) so...

~Miko (phase # 4285211534874 XD)

"... *collapse* Fun had. Sleep now."
~Miko, after London Expo

claustrophobic attacks, london expo

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