;: Sono egao face to face! :;

Oct 25, 2006 22:01

Umm... I'll try and keep this short. Got to Croydon at 10am to meet two friends of mine, shopped, bought lunch, a nice headband and a belt and window shopped the rest of the day. Then at 3pm, we met with 6 others, went to Pizza Hut and feasted. Temptation let me down. All in all... Me vs. Temptation... 92% complete!

I'm poor now. It saddens me.

In other news, I rewatched Tantei Gakuen Q ~Detective Academy Q~ yesterday (episodes 1-4). I forgot how wonderfully awesome it was. *___* "Kotae wo hitotsu! ~There's only one way~" Although I'm with a different fansubber, not Slowdats. So it's a bit different. But the song's as addictive as it ever was. Ohoh, and I get who the actual murderer person is each time, mwaha.

Y'know what sucks? How I get into and watch everything as 'suggested' by a certain someone and they won't even watch one of mine. =\


ca ling vs. temptation, anime, shopping, tantei gakuen q, rant

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