I got to do my rota at Akuraia!

Oct 22, 2006 13:18

Akuraia is like... the name everyone loves. Me and Oneechan thought for about an hour or two on what our rotation journal should be and then we decided on akuraia even though it lost out on ip-dip-doo.

Me and my schoolfriends were also thinking of a name for our group (in Economics, for a market share game thingy) and we thought for ages so Akuraia was suggested and they went with it.

Akuraia, I hope, will bring us much success either way. ^____^


akuraia akuraia akuraia
akuraia akuraia akuraia

Go join. XD

(By the way, Oneechan, I edited the tags since the tag 'upload' was a bit silly XD And the website is Akuraia's tag list. Ohoh, and 5-6 more people! 8D)



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