;: I'm through with playing by the rules of someone else's game :;

Oct 14, 2006 16:21

Have I mentioned that I absolutely love this WinAmp skin?

And this song? 8D

At first I didn't like it that much until I put it into the context of me and Eilidh. XD Apart from the Wizard part. *shuns it*

Today was interesting. XD Wahah, Mr. Primark guy... Ooo, now I can't wait for Expo. Wtf, I was gonna put "Primark" there. o__O;; Ahhhh, Wicked soon!

Expo in 2 weeks... @__@;; Yay! *sticks to the being happy going to Expo* MSN ish evil, it makes me not want to go, dagnabbit.

I like being young and naive. =D

There's no fight we cannot win
Just you and I
Defying gravity
With you and I
Defying gravity.
They'll never bring us down!
~Wicked - Defying Gravity

shopping, winamp, music, london expo

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