#019-020: // Kiss me goodbye, I'm defying gravity and you can't pull me down //

Oct 06, 2006 16:32

I didn't even get a chance to go to on the computer yesterday =O I can't think of anything that happened yesterday...

Today we got our assessments back. And we looked at the threshold's for the Maths assessment. The teacher lied! I got a C, not a D. ¬__¬ Not so bad after all. \^^/

Apart from the assessment we got back. Haven't looked at it yet though. XD; Too ashaaamed. Maybe when I'm happy and stuff. Then I'll look.

But for now... I have at least 6 Business Studies homeworks to be getting on with...

Erm... I'm sorry if I don't comment much or go online. X__x; I hate when people have a go at me for 'not doing it once I've got it'. Err... it's kinda hard answering about 20 long questions in one day...?

I got a cold yesterday. Took medicine today. All better! Already o.O...

Raargh, don't have much time anymore... not even to watch anime (apart from at NMAC).

I found Eilidh's song! It's typically a Wicked song.

I'm through accepting limits
'cause someone says they're so
Some things I cannot change
But 'til I try, I'll never know
Too long I've been afraid of
Losing love I guess I've lost
Well, if that's love
It comes at much too high a cost
~Wicked - Defying Gravity

sixth form

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