;: And if I ever need someone to come along, who's gonna comfort me and keep me strong? :;

Aug 07, 2006 21:33

Can't wait for a new hard drive or two. Come on, one weeeek! I've already linked a crap load of journals I need to download stuff from. In the meantime, I'll keep uploading One Piece for a few people.

I hate you Otakon, for having bloody Nana Kitade AND MUCC there. And Yoshiki autographs. ...
I hate you so much, Otakon.

My real point of this entry? Coming up, right after these messages!

Stolen from the lovely fyredra who stole it from the original crazy_catgirl:

Everything I Learned in Life, I Learned From CLAMP

- If you're not angsty, you should be.
- There is no such thing as coincidence.
- Evil takes the form of four Japanese mangaka.
- Everything's better in alternate universes.
- If you're precious to your brother, you're probably doomed.
- Actually, if you're precious to anyone, you're doomed.
- In fact, you're probably just doomed anyways.
- Treasure your eyes. You never know when they'll be taken away.
- Subtext really does equal buttsex.
- Everything has a price.
- The most powerful people are alcoholics.
- Never trust the bunny/pork bun.
- True love always prevails. Usually.

Okay, to the real point of this entry... Some time ago, I added a whole bunch of people because of that meme. And the other way around. Now, I have not much idea what the hell they're on about sometimes, they mention names and I'm all "wha-?" so here's the FAQ that maybe or maybe not you'll have some idea of... But ehh, feel free to drop me some questions to add to the FAQ.

Q: Name, s'il vous plait?
A: Real first name's Ca Ling (I have a space in my first name 'cause I'm awesome like whoa). Ermm... but most people call me Xia? It's pronounced sigh-ah.

Q. Why Qex?
A: Qex teh schmex! ... yeah. XD Xia al bhed'd is Qey and so, I typo'd it via SMS and there it began, Qex teh Schmex.

Q. Who the hell is Eilidh/Dan-kun/Nick?
A. Err... okay... I mention them time-to-time... Eilidh, aka xashex, is like one of my closest friends and is actually the Glaswegian/Scottish version of me. Scary? Why, yes, yes it is.
Dan-kun, who got his LJ account taken away by the government 'cause it was too dangerous (supposedly), is also a great friend of mine. When I'm down about something, he doesn't try to comfort me but thinks logically which sometimes hurts but... it works. But anyway... he's soon to be moving to Australia forever... but he's back with the promise that he'll make it big with a band called Xia-Hime! So watch out, yo.
Nick, aka wickio, ermm... will take forever to talk about so I direct you to the last entry here. Not such a long entry but if you're that lazy, it's my luff who I can never be with so bleh. XD

Q. What the hell is Tokonatsu?
A. http://www.tokonatsu.org.uk and since you're too lazy to go on it, it's a 3-day anime convention FESTIVAL that involves instead of staying in hotels/on campus/whatever~, involves camping out and having fun on a field. Its main goal? To get people to socialise because even if you stay in your tent, you won't be able to resist but to talk to others.

Q. What the hell is 'Make A Beat'?
A. http://make_a_beat.podomatic.com ... you won't even click on that click will you?! *cry* It's my podcast!

Q. What the hell is LAC?
A. http://www.anime.org.uk London Anime Club, it's in London (NEVAR!) and occurs the first Sunday of every month. And yes, I live in London. ^__^

Q. What the hell is LAME*?
A. London Anime Meetup Elites! It's rather awesome. Come with us! And find out more at annually_lame!

Q. Any fandoms?
A. Fandoms? Pfft. I just adore some certain animes, not really fandoms as such... One Piece is my anime at the moment, I'm about 50-60 episodes away from being up-to-date. It's a change from 260-270 episodes from being up-to-date! XD

Q. Uploading One Piece? Why?
A. A few people wanted it so I thought, why not? I think I'll post them on my LJ when I'm done. If you prefer to get it sent via e-mail, tell me. Or if you want to be added to the mailing list. Otherwise, you can always bookmark the entry. I think I'll do them in batches of 10. Uploading onto Megaupload. But takes ages, unfortunately. Will be worth it though.

Q. Your... LJ family?
A. It consists of a few. But it isn't really an LJ family anymore, it's an online family? Okay... it's... xashex as my imouto-chan (younger sister), Dan-kunis my Oniisan as Nick is*, and when my real parents went away on holiday for a month, tenatzen adopted me so~ mio_mio_chocobo is my second cousin (somehow =S). Logic doesn't work with this.
* I know, I know, incest. We both know it's incest. But that was before we made our feelings clear. XD And that makes it allllllright But basically it was a metaphor (oh we started the family we did) that we would always be there for each other and trust each other as much as siblings... just... with... feelings. X___x;; This family is kinda incesty since xashex is my wife and we got married. XD *hitched* Very small wedding though. So... yeah... don't worry, I don't take this family seriously XD *dumps them* ... *sees their angered faces* Joking of course >__> I really am XD
[EDIT] Oh, and I have an oneechan now! tonks2006 who ish awesomeness! Read more about them on my user info. 8D

Q. Doom?
A. DOOM! The D in XD stands for doom! Ermm. If you ever get a chance to read the One Piece manga that Viz licensed and tore~, you will see that they translated dom into doom so you see "DOOM everywhere. It's rather amusing if you notice it!

Q. ysi_leftovers?
A. It's my most successful community with over 3000 members! =O It used to have almost 5000 members until we had a member cut and moderated membership.

Q. ... Breaking your brain?
A. YES. wickio firstly broke my brain with One Piece. XD It's crack. Good crack. And then darkkyuzo *really* broke my brain for reasons I shalln't say... And dropped my wife! D:

Q. If you saw a panda bear named Silly Billy walk by you on the street what would you do? And why?
Question by fai_chan
A. Er er climb on it and huggle it! And then drop to the ground and have it give me a strange look whilst I'll go ".___."
Why? I don't know! It's a PANDA! Ooo ooo, I would also try somehow to get another panda bear and put bamboo sticks in the middle to see if they wrestle. Because everyone likes to see pandas wrestle in the middle of the street!

I can't think of any more... gimme questions, as I said. ^__^ I thought this song was fitting XD Emo Rie... *goes away and thinks of avatars to upload for LJ?*


clamp, faq, me

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