Meeee quizzes! *grin*

Apr 20, 2006 21:30

You Are Noon

You are upbeat, ambitious, and never at loss for energy.
You have a lot that drives you in life. The desire to be the best, and a secret hope of fame and power.
And while you definitely have a Type A personality, you are still fun to be around.
You have a ton of charisma and a genuine interest in others. You are adored by many.
What Time Of Day Are You?

But... I love midnight! *cryyy* I'm a Type A?! I thought I was a Type B...

You Are 4% Girly

Um... you're a guy, right? If not, you're the most boyish girl in the world.
And for you, that's probably the ultimate compliment.
How Girly Are You?

Hahaha! I'm so manly. And yeah, it was a compliment. I'm so used to it. XD I'm so manly! *strikes a pose* And 4% because I only got one ticked off - not being athletic.

Oh, I've also kinda realised something. My family is gender confused (not seriously)! XD Because I get mistaken as a guy online often and when my oldest brother IM's... he sounds like a girl! XD I love my gender confus'dness.

Yaaay, life is good! Yay, pizza!

~Eternal Xia-hime


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