Remember to keep up your payment of the paid account, as you'll wind up with 6 when it expires.
Also remember that the 100 usericons is a free gift from LJ, I sure didn't pay for it - paid accounts have a default limit of 15. This will last for the rest of the two months and then expire - so you'll need to pay that up also if you want to keep 100.
Yar, I don't think I'll keep a paid account. ^_^ I just wanted to see what t'was like... and now that I know, I think I'm fine with a free account. Then the LJ snobs can rub in that I have no paid account and I won't have to go ";_;". XD
You'll be able to keep your S2 layout but not edit it AFAIK, and you'll only keep 6 usericons - I think you might have access to the extras for a short while, but they'll delete them eventually.
My last one failed! I spent too long on it so much that my credit almosrt ran out and then the post said the link was invalid. >0 I've been against them since... I have my podcast anywho.
Comments 10
Also remember that the 100 usericons is a free gift from LJ, I sure didn't pay for it - paid accounts have a default limit of 15. This will last for the rest of the two months and then expire - so you'll need to pay that up also if you want to keep 100.
... No voiceposts. :0
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