~Maybe it's best you leave me alone...~

Dec 17, 2005 14:09

You Were An Angel This Year

You Were 20% Naughty, 80% Nice

You know you've been a super good girl this year
So good, that you may have missed out a little...
Don't worry, Santa will make it up to you!
How Naughty (Or Nice) Were You This Year?

Dear SpacePrison,

You. Are. Awesome. XD That card amused me muchums. Sankyuu ^_^

[] am tall
[] am in between
[x] am short

[] am a blonde
[] am redheaded
[x] am a brunette
[] have black hair

[] have blue eyes
[x] have brown eyes
[] have green eyes
[] have hazel eyes
[] have grey eyes
[x] and wear glasses (sometimes)
[] and wear contacts
[] have freckles
[] have braces
[] have piercings
[] have a tattoo

[x] have long hair
[] have short hair
[] have mid-length hair

My favorite color(s) is(are):
[x] red
[] pink
[] yellow
[] black
[x] green
[x] blue
[] white
[] silver
[] purple
[] brown
[] orange

Some things I've done/played include:
[] soccer
[] cheerleading
[x] dancing
[] lacrosse
[x] field hockey
[x] hockey
[x] football
[] softball
[] wrestling
[] gymnastics
[] track/cross country
[x] basketball
[x] baseball
[] golf
[x] playing in the mud
[x] playing music
[] hiking
[] kayaking
[x] camping
[] horseback riding
[] marching band

I am sometimes:
[x] annoying
[x] talkative
[x] shy
[x] funny
[x] serious
[] bubbly
[x] spazzy
[x] fun-loving
[x] laid back
[x] strict
[x] hyper
[x] weird

I like _____ music:
[] rap
[x] rock
[] pop
[] country
[] hip hop
[] r&b
[] slow jams
[] Christian
[x] classical
[x] techno
[] oldies
[x] the 80s
[x] punk
[x] Metal
[] reggae
[x] Goth
[] Latin
[x] 90's Grunge
[x] musicals
[x] anime & games

The pet(s) I have is (are) a:
[] cat
[] dog
[] lizard
[] rat
[] ferret
[] rabbit
[x] fish
[] bird
[] other

Clothes I like to wear are:
[x] plain t shirts
[x] sweatshirts
[] stockings
[] high heels
[x] boots
[] tennis shoes
[x] jeans
[] pj pants
[] boxers
[x] underwear
[] dresses
[] mini skirts
[] long skirts
[x] watches
[x] necklace
[] hoop earrings
[x] toe socks
[] flip flops
[] halter tops
[] stilletos
[] shorts
[x] sleeveless shirts
[] Corsets
[x] Band Tees
[] Fishnets

I like to wear my hair (in a):
[x] down
[x] ponytail
[] pigtails
[] messy bun
[] half ponytail
[] scrunched/curly
[] bun
[] crimped
[] with a bandana
[] French braids
[] lots of little braids
[] gelled
[] hat
[] messy hot hair
[] sex hair
[] fauxhawk

I'm mostly labeled as:
[] goth
[x] emo
[] prep
[x] punk
[] hippie
[] dork
[] ditzy
[] hyper
[] happy
[] everything
[x] I hate labels! I'm just me!!!
[] I have no idea

I eat:
[] dessert every night
[] no meat
[] diet stuff
[] healthy foods
[x] junk foods
[x] a lot of carbs
[x] lots of meat
[x] salad
[x] seafood
[] Mountain Dew

A typical friday night:
[] mall with your friends
[] partying
[] watching movies
[] going to the club
[x] staying home
[] babysitting
[] hanging out w/ my friends
[] hanging out w/ your boyfriend/girlfriend
[] working while your friends are out having fun
[] Getting laid.

Currently I am:
[] in a relationship
[] Madly In Love!
[] single and loving it
[] crushing
[] single and looking for someone
[] just broke up
[x] Single and don't give a @#$% either way

Online, I use:
[] lol
[] sup
[x] =D
[] lmao
[] stfu
[x] ty (not so much anymore)
[] j/k
[] ttyl
[] g2g
[x] ^^
[x] T_T (T^T)
[x] x_x (x^x)
[x] ^_^
[x] o.o
[] x3
[] knai

I have :
[x] been kissed
[] lied to my best friend
[] dyed my hair
[] dressed punk
[x] kissed a girl on the cheek
[x] lied to my parents
[x] cried in front of lots of people
[] went bare foot in the snow
[x] played hockey
[x] made my own clothes

In the last 24 hours, I:
[x] got in a fight
[x] took a shower
[] gave a dirty look to someone
[] cried
[x] went to school
[x] shopped
[x] danced
[x] got sick
[] did something I regret
[] ate something gross
[x] discovered something new

Right now I am:
[] in my pjs
[] drinking
[x] listening to music
[] watching a movie
[] IMing someone
[] talking on the phone
[] eating
[x] finishing this survey

Yesterday was much fun. Saw Narnia with my friends which was good but some parts were a lol. Characters were perfect... but the battle scene was blatantly done in CG... and Aslan too. Mr. Tumnus and Lucy always looked like they were gonna kiss XD *cough*Paedo*cough* Very different from the old version though. ^_^ Lucy was a tad annoying. And you just have to go, "Eurgh" when you see Peter grown up.

After, we went to Pizza Hut, and went "Table for ten, please =D" kekeke. T'was good. But made me feel groggy, tired and a li'l ill after. T'was a good day. Felt so tired and my parents were kinda worried but nada... had to go on. ^_^ I felt kinda sad during then though. During Pizza Hut, I mean. 'Cause, as always, they were joking around being married to each other and whatnot... and maybe it's just this season but I just didn't feel myself. I don't think I'd ever get married. But ah well. I've never felt happy at Christmas... I just prefer stay in my room and watch ze rain. This holiday, however, I'm going to do the only thing that'll get me anywhere in life... revise for my exams.


meme, quiz

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