Short entry

Dec 09, 2005 23:54

Your Dating Purity Score: 72%

You are an under-experienced dater.
This doesn't mean you're unexperienced - far from it.
It just means that there's a lot of romance left to discover!
Dating Purity Test

Thought I'd get higher than that. And... eh? "You're underexperienced. That doesn't mean you're underexperienced!" XD Such contradiction...

You are a Lavender Rose

You represent love at first sight and enchantment.

Your vibe: intense and intriguing

Falling in love with you is: deep and meaningful
What Color Rose Are You?



*looks on Cosplay UK*


It's Maaaanaaaaa!

Aw, no hang out.

In other news, two more months until I have my own computer, kekeke.

I'm gonna stay online until half 12 then get off... caffeine has done nothing for me today.

And pawsaldo, choose a date for the Screw-You-Birmingham-Hippies meet, hehe.



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