Schoolage [Can you hear me call?]

Sep 19, 2005 20:19

Today, I expressed my thoughts and opinions on something - sure, wasn't my business but meh - and I was totally ignored and blanked. I forgot - I forgot so much - how crappy that felt.

I'm not fond of the person that ignored me. Sure, she was a friend but not a close friend. And if I was honest, I'd say she's immature (well, more so than me). And is becoming more so, I think... But that's another matter.

So anyway... kinda went like this.

Her: Hey, did you even bother doing your Biology homework?
Another person: Yeah [enter ramble here]
Her: Ah, can I copy it? I couldn't be bothered to do mine.
Another person: Yeah, sure, I've had years with people copying my homework [enter more rambling in a "I don't care" type of tone]
Her: Well, you can have another year of it [enter a "bwaha" shrieky kinda laugh]
Me: (Can't remember what I said exactly but anyway...) That's not right, why are you copying her homework? It's not her fault that you haven't done your homework [I really can't remember so enter some ramble here]
Her: Anyway [ramble]

Sorry, can't remember much of it.

Well, couldn't do much after. Plus I'm not fond of the other person either... Then told my best friend and we semi-lectured that person.

Other than that, school was okay.

I'm off IMing for the next 3 days. I'm sorry, it ain't directed at you, I just really really need to get my work done. It's gotten so bad that my regular sleeping time is 1am when I haven't done much. And haven't had time to wash my hair yet. And I'm exhausted when I get home which suckys.

I scared people by shouting but I was really calm on the inside... Doesn't make sense. I shouted to people to shut up which really did work but didn't do it in time... but anyway... maybe I'm sick of being the quiet one that always does her work. The person next to me said, "Was that just you?!" and true, I do kinda get laughed at when I shout. But I've never really truly cared.


My view on GrantM - who cares? Who honestly genuinely care? Yeah, it has gone to the point where it just makes you look like bullies and worse off and yes, I am ashamed. It is not amusing and from the moment I read it, I couldn't see what the big deal was. He is someone who just wants to follow their dream but gets trampled on on their way. Sure, they're not great. But does it really affect you THAT much?

Dear Dell printers...

I wish to destroy you into liddle pieces... *sadistic look*


anger, ignored, shouting

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