Two fics for the price of one newbie \(^-^)/

Jun 06, 2008 12:32

 Hiya, I'm new and I wanted to introduce myself.  I am a huge Bleach fan, and I support not only yaoi but yuri as well!  And I bet you can guess who my Bleach Yuri OTP is... ^^  Well I brought two fics with me just to break the ice and to help you get to know me a bit better ^^
Title: "You don't think it's wrong, do you?"
Author: Me
Pairing: OrihimeXTatsuki
Appearing characters: Orihime, Tatsuki, Ichigo, Uryuu, Chizuru, Sado
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Language, Yuri, girls kissing, angsty
Summary: Not everyone approves of a lesbian relationship...
Disclaimer: Don't own, don't sue
Author's notes: This just popped into my head after watching a gorgeous Tatsuhime AMV. Please Enjoy

Orihime and Tatsuki grasped each others hands tightly while everyone stared at them.  
Those damn jugdemental eyes.  Those that don't understand how they feel.  What did they know?  They have never felt this way.  Just cause Ichigo had Rukia,Uryu had Nemu, and Sado had Karin, doesn't mean that they have ever felt this way.  They just didn't understand.  They didn't understand the pian they went through.  Did they know how fucking painful it was to love someone that you shouldn't?  Did they know how it felt to know that people would condemn you for your feelings?  Did they know the pain of rejection and disapproval?  If any of them dared to answer "yes", Tatsuki swore that she woould punch their face in and carve "hypocrite" on their face.  
The room remained silent.
Orihime faked a smile that only Tatsuki could tell was fake.  "So, that's the news guys." she said.
Ichigo shifted on his desk.  "Well, don't you guys think it's kinda..."
Tatsuki's grip tightened. "'kinda' what, Ichigo?" she asked, teeth clenched.
Ichigo scratched his head.  "Kinda wrong?" he answered.
Orihime's face slightly fell and Tatsuki bit her lip.  
Uryuu nodded.  "Homosexuality just isn't right." he added.
As if we didn't already know that, Tatsuki thought.
Sado remained silent and stoic under his curtain of hair.  Orihime looked over at him.  His lips were upwards at the ends and he nodded.  "Thank you." Orihime whispered.
"I don't think it's wrong at all!" Chizuru cried.  "Love is love, gender doesn't apply here!  Love has no boundaries!"
Had this been Tatsuki 6 months ago, she would have punched Chizuru in the gut and told her to shut the hell up, but today Tatsuki looked at her and smiled.  And Chizuru blushed.  
Ichigo and Uryuu stood next to each other in this debate.  "But lesbianism is wrong."  Ichigo said stiffly.  
Tatsuki had all that she could take.  "Shut the hell up!" she screamed.  "What the fuck do you guys know?!  You don't know shit about us!  About the crap we've been through jsut cause we love each other!  So don't fucking sit there and tell us whats right and wrong, because what you're saying is wrong!  Why can't we love each other?! Huh?"
Tatsuki leaned forward, with both hands on the desk in front of her and began to weep.  Orihime ran to her side and hugged her, tightly.  "Why... Why does everyone judge us..?' she choked out.
Orihime buried her face in Tatsuki's neck, as she felt her muscles consrtict with every choked breath.
It's ok... She thought, They haven't ever felt this way and they know it.
The bell rang, signaling the end of the school day.  Orihime pulled Tatsuki's hand and lead her over to their desks.  
Asfter they grabbed their bags and were about to head out the door, they head Ichigo call after them.
The couple turned around. "What do you want, Ichigo?" Tatsuki asked, dryly, her eyes were still red from crying.
He looked seriously at the two girls.  "I hope," he began, "That you guys decide if you really want to risk being together, or not.  I'm not about to change my opinion,either so good luck."
Tatsuki shrugged her shoulders and Orihime only smiled.  They left the class room, towards their houses.  
"Well, I guess this is goodbye for now?" Orihime asked, once they arrived at her apartments.
Tatsuki nodded slowly.  "But only for now!" she quickly added, "I promise!  Be ready in a couple of hours, we'll go to the park of something, ok?"
Orihime shined brightly.  "Ok!"
As she turned around to bounce into her apartments, Tatsuki grabbed her hand.  She pulled her hand and pulled her face close to hers.  Tatsuki closed her eyes and placed her lips on Orihime's.  They both pulled back and smiled.
Orihime beamed brightly.  "You don't think it's wrong, do you?"
Tatsuki shook her head.
"Then that's all that matters!"

Title: All the things they said
Author: Me
Pairing: OrihimeXTatsuki
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Yuri, girls kissing, angsty, language
Summary: I'm in serious shit, I feel totally lost, if I'm asking for help it's only because, being with you has opened my eyes, could I ever believe such a perfect suprise?
Disclaimer: Don't own the anime/mange nor the song, so please don't sue
Author's notes: This is a semi-song fic that I thought up after listening to this song (All the things she said- t.A.T.u.) on repeat.... I hope that you like it ^^

"It's ok, Tatsuki, as long as we have each other, we'll be ok."
"There's nobody else I'd rather be with than you, Tatsuki."
"Call me selfish, but sometimes I wanna lock you away so that no one but me will ever see you, Tatsuki."
"Oh, Tatsuki, let them stare, it's not hurting us."
"We have something no one else has, Tatsuki."
"I'll protect you Tatsuki, like you've always protected me."
"I love you and only you, Tatsuki."

Tatsuki slid down her wall.  Her hands gripped her hair and pulled.  Her tears ran down her face.

"Maybe there was something wrong about they way I raised you."
"Why did you have to be so... different?"
"Why can't you just like boys like the other girls your age?"
"Sometimes I think that they gave me the wrong baby at the hospital."
"I can never look at you the same way again."

Why..? Why did she have to say all those mean things?  Is it so wrong for me to be like this?  Am I really as fucked up as she says I am?  Why? Why do I have to be like this?  Why am I attracted to her?  Why? Why?  Why?  Why?!
She curls into the fetal position, hugging her knees.

"You're disgusting."
"You will burn in all your lust."
"You make me sick."
"Kami-sama will never forgive you for this."

Please, don't talk to me like that... I didn't do anything wrong...  
There is the sound of a door opening and closing.  Delicate footsteps are heard coming from the living room.  The door opens and a girls runs to her.  
"Tatsuki!  Are you ok? What's wrong?" she cries.
Tatsuki opens her eyes, her vision blurred by her tears.  "Ori...hime..?" she asks.
The other girls nods.  "What's the matter?"
Tatsuki buries her face in Orihime's shoulder and sobs harder than before.  Orihime hugs her back, not knowing what to say, not knowing how to console her.
"Tatsuki..." Orihime whispers.
Tatsuki breaks.  "Why, Orihime?  Why does she say such mean things?  Why?  Am I really so... sinful?" she sobs hysterically.
Orihime hugs Tatsuki closer.  "No, Tatsuki, you're not.  I swear it." she says.
Tatsuki's cries become quieter and calmer until they are reduced to hiccups.
"Orihime..." Tatsuki whispers.
Tatsuki closes her eyes.  She inhales the scent of Orihime's hair.  "Why do you say so many... kind things?"  she asks.
Orihime laughs softly.  "Because, Tatsuki, I love you twice so much, I just can't stop myself!"
Tatsuki allows herself to smile and laugh.  She pulls back and Orihime embraces her into a sweet and chaste kiss.
Later that night, Tatsuki opens her diary and jots down a new entry...

"It's ok, Tatsuki, as long as we have each other, we'll be ok."
"There's nobody else I'd rather be with than you, Tatsuki."
"Call me selfish, but sometimes I wanna lock you away so that no one but me will ever see you, Tatsuki."
"Oh, Tatsuki, let them stare, it's not hurting us."
"We have something no one else has, Tatsuki."
"I'll protect you Tatsuki, like you've always protected me."
"I love you and only you, Tatsuki."
"Because, Tatsuki, I love you twice so much, I just can't stop myself!"

Tatsuki smiles and forgets all about her mother and Kami-sama.


Hope you enjoyed them both!  Feedback is appreciated!  Thank you!!!

I apologize, I know there must be 50 million fics like this......  I tried to sound as original as possible... *sweatdrops*
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