Nov 16, 2007 08:20
So I'm finally weaning myself off blogging on alt. That's where I've been jotting down a staple diet of BDSM thoughts...
Before all this became fashionable, I used to write in a space called Diary-X, a place that was just kept open for my own adopted familiars.
These days they're giving away blog space like they used to give away free websites ;-). I suppose its finding a place in which you feel comfortable to jot your thoughts and I have had a few of late.
Saw Sardax on Wednesday. He was up for a portrait commission and so we had lunch and a lovely catch up. Talked about IC mainly and some of the interesting threads that he'd started on there. He is in real life, a very sweet man and a sensitive soul. He insisted on paying for lunch as he could write it off as a business expense - you should have seen the way his eyes twinkled at the thought. I grinned - I get the same when I can buy a piece of SM kit and say the same :)
I also found myself talking about the sort of women I despise which led in a way to me talking about the stuff that's been happening with my family of late... I thought that was unusual, me actually saying anything of any real importance about me... but then again I suppose there is that comfort in our strangeness.
The problem I have with involving myself in the Scene is that there is just so much scene gossip - it seems impossible just to live your kinky life the way you want to , without somehow having to explain what you've been up to. It also seems impossible not to take sides when someone who's "scene famous" breaks up.
I fail to see how their past relationship has anything to do with me.
So yes maybe I introduced her former partner to one of my friends - that's their business and not mine. I resent being dragged into this sort of crap by association... "out of concern" you might say.
If you are so concerned, why not go straight to the source of concern?
I've also heard some things that seem to have been said about me, which have been interesting - though I won't clear them up here even though I have often been tempted to journal about them.
I just refuse to be put in a position where I have to shed any light whatsoever on what I see as my private life. It isn't for voyueristic nobodies to speculate on. Why should I confirm or deny something when people will simply believe what they choose to believe?
Anyway enough about that. Kityn may or may not be able to make x'mas which sucks for us both, but still even if she doesn't make it, it won't be too long because I fully intend on being over there for Jan/Feb.
Mikey's off in Lanzarote this week but should be back next Tuesday I think - and the new play space VenueIII, is coming along good! :-) I'm picking up two whips from Tony at the BBB - an early present from Chris although he doesn't really know it yet :)
Harry is coming over on Sunday and we can go through the stuff that needs doing for the BWG weekend following.
Monday I get to assault all manner of evil on MrA - who incidentally wrote the most scientific paper on the ergonimic position of a slave in relation to the Owner - one I must post online sometime :)
Yesterday was round 1 of 15 at the chiropractors. It was an interesting experience!