(no subject)

Jun 02, 2006 12:01

something that i'm learning is that when you sit down to do the work (write), something will happen. you will have a piece (or two or more) of writing on your hands. i'm slowly beginning to learn the discipline part of the craft. the part that just needs to be methodical and peck and peck and peck despite doubts, distractions, hunger, fatigue, other matters that are demanding your attention. and if you're faithful to glueing your butt to the seat and working despite all of that junk - you will be rewarded more times than not. i've learned this through the help of the book, the war of art, by steven pressfield, which is a great book for anyone who struggles with disciplining themselves to do their work. i think i've also been learning this lesson through my pr work, where the progress you make is just you sitting down faithfully and contacting journalists, one at a time. and inevitably, for every ten you write to with no response, one will write back to you. and just think, that builds up over time.

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