Great Week

Mar 16, 2007 14:09

So this week has been fabulous. First off I'm back at Beloit, so automatic goodness there. Then Matt/Klaus came to visit the school (and consequently me) and was here for two whole days. Tuesday was especially wonderful. (Side note, Phys plant just came to fix the light above the sink, as I'm listening to "Let there Be" I think it's funny). In the afternoon Matt and I went to the bookstore and then DQ and we looked at the water tower. I did some work (he looked at my RENT book and napped, lucky) and then we went to play cards in the Poetry Garden (It was almost 70 for the non-beloiters). We went on a walk with everyone. I believe in Spring Fever. Everyone was nuts on Tuesday (I Loved it). The Bandoliers (a student band with violin, accordion, an acoustic guitar, and an electric bass, or guitar, I forget, anyway they are amazing, did they win Battle of the bands?) were playing right outside my dorm and everyone was chalking and chilling. For once, I didn't want to go to Ballroom. The whole day was one big "I love Beloit" moment. At 11ish (pm) Matt, his friend Zach and I walked to the playground and played. We ran in to Alex and Ann(a?) there.
Wednesday In History Michell asked if I could go to Milwaukee for an admitted students reception, thing was they were leaving at 2:45, and I have German 2-4. But I hadn't done the reading, or typed the corrections on my Midterm, and I hate the class anyway, so after a little persuasion and rationalization I decided to go. This is the first time I have ever skipped class in my life. It was fun. Only 4 students and their families showed up, but it was held at Koss (a headphone company) and there were gift bags, with amazing headphones in them, and a t-shirt (because I am in such desperate need of clothes *sarcasm*). I watched Pride and Prejudice with Jess, Kirsten and Galen. Mr. Darcy always makes it a good day.
Thursday was okay. Dinah, Alex and I (eventually Dinah went to bed) hung out in the Maurer link and I was really giggly and essentially tipsy although I hadn't had anything to drink. Today is also just average, but the extreme happiness of earlier in the week is hanging on. And Sarah might be stopping Tomorrow!
Also I am newly in love with Children of Eden and I blame you Leah/Vera. After seeing that you had been listening to it I saw that my parents owned so I decided to listen to it and now I'm addicted.
In History (I'm in US Women's history) We've been talking about corsets and fashion. Today we started watching Jezebel (1938) staring Bette Davis and Henry Fonda which I've been wanting to see for years. This also makes me want to watch Gone with the Wind. I am also inspired to sew my own period costume, maybe this summer. Two of the women in my class have sewn corsets in costuming and they say that they're easy to make.
Anyway I need to fool myself that I will get work done this afternoon
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