I feel so loved tonight.

Sep 06, 2003 23:09

Ooh, new look for LJ. *cheers for LJ*

Hahahaha, my brother's getting yelled at. Good for him.

We won the Geibel game 47-7. WOO-HOO.

WTFF. I just got yelled at too...FOR NO APPARENT REASON. Time of the month, obviously. I didn't even do anything wrong. GOD. I had a good day, and then I come home to this shit. Die.

Yeah, anyway, halftime show sucked, but compared to Geibel's performance, we ruled. The band festival was the exact opposite of last year. I had SUCH a good time this year. Last year I came home and got kicked off the fucking internet for the rest of the year. I was sitting with Gregg for a little while, then I went to sit with Gary, Meghan and Kevin. Kevin was sitting in front of me with Brittney. Hahahaha, all of us were in awe of the Hempfield band because they're freakin HUGE. (Die me, Kevin was leaning against me and his hair was right in my face. He smelled so GOOD, BWAHAHAHA) Lol, he was amazed by the amount of clarinets that there were. Then they started to play Amazing Grace, and I almost started to cry because I LOVE that song. When I covered my face with my hands, Kevin pulled them away to see if I was crying. He smiled when he saw that I wasn't. Sorry for talking about him all the time. He's just a really important person to me. I don't know what I'd do without him. I'll move on from him now.

My band pictures should be coming in soon! When I get them, I'll scan them if anyone wants to see them. Speaking of pictures, my senior pictures are going to be coming in within the next few days, I think. I can't wait to see how they turned out. I want all my pictures, dammit.

Homecoming is coming up in a month or so. I need a date. I think I'm going to ask Kent. I seriously don't think anyone would go with me, and I'm a coward in the first place, but I guess it doesn't really hurt to try... I may as well. I hate asking people, though, because I know they'll say no. People are urging me to ask people. If Kent says no, I might ask Gregg, not that he'll say yes. Again, what the hell. It doesn't hurt to ask, I suppose. Whatever. I'm going to Homecoming regardless if I have a date or not. I vowed that after Homecoming last year when I decided not to go.

I need food, but what else is new? I really didn't have much today because I was so busy, so can you blame me? Of course not.

...And that one sentence rhymes. *yawns*

Good dreams tonight, I hope. ^___^!!

Quote: "That hand of yours... Can't you do anything else with it?!" - Sango, Inuyasha
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