Aug 26, 2003 11:27
Die, I'm bored. And lol, I don't know where Stan is. His car is in the driveway, but HE'S NOT HERE. My mom started at Washington today, so...yeah. Stan like, fell off of the edge of the earth or something. *shrug* Who knows. I just watched last night's episode of Inuyasha like, four times. Hahahahaha, it's just SO FUNNY when Kagome goes "Inuyasha, sit boy!" and he stops and falls face-first in front of everyone. LMAO, tonight's episode is going to be even BETTER. Thank God it's back on, because I KNOW THAT CN IS GOING TO TAKE OFF YU YU HAKUSHO. The sons of bitches. *curses them more*
Die for no one talking to me. I AM SO BORED AND IT'S NOT FAIR. I have like, 2 days left of break and I have NOTHING TO DO. Of course, I have practice later today, and tomorrow I don't have to do anything, but Thursday I start school (DIE) and have practice afterwards. But, I already explained that yesterday, I think.
I wish I had something to do. Stupid writer's block hit me.
OH, AND OF COURSE MY LAMP BROKE LAST NIGHT. So, here I am, Miss Paranoia, needing to sleep with THE TV ON. I'm sorry, but my room freaks me out when it's pitch black. I don't really get any light in my room, and it just scares me. Don't ask. Childhood nightmares that still haunt me. Gay.
And stupid internet sometimes doesn't connect. It says something about the remote computer not responding, and no matter how many times you try to connect, IT DOESN'T. Argh, and I'm not exactly patient.
I feel weird. I don't know, like something is going to happen today that is either going to be really good or really bad. Probably bad. I don't usually get feelings like this when something good is going to happen. *shrug* Not like I can stop something bad from happening. I never could in the past.
*uses Kurama's icon* Yaaaaaay, I miss him. DIE RERUNS ON TOONAMI.
Erica, get online, whore. Someone get online and talk to me. I don't even care who it is. I just want someone to talk to before I shoot myself and die from boredom. It's stupid that out of the 20-some people I have on my list, only like, three talk to me. *cries*
I wonder if Tiernan is back from vacation... I'm sure she is because school starts in two days. CALL ME, WOMAN. Die, I forget her new phone number. Die her for moving and die my forgetfulness.
OMG, yesterday I drew the most ADORABLE picture of Chibi Kurama in the entire WORLD. I was like, "KJSBNIVDUSNAOIEWIUBFD" when I got done with it. *is in love with it* I put it on DA, and I LOVE IT. And dammit, I need a quote. *rummages through stash and finds one*
Okay, I really need to write or something. Maybe I could read and that would get me in the mood to write and finish my GW story. DIE, knowing my luck, I won't find anything appealing to read. I'll end up back in my room watching FernGully and drooling over Pips' sexy hot fairyness. Bwahahaha, that doesn't sound like a bad idea.
*is keeping self preoccupied as much as possible*
Is this entry long, or is it just me? *is just me*
LOL DIE MY MOOD. *listens to Astounded because I miss it*
Quote: "Love is the immortal flow of energy that nourishes, extends and preserves. Its eternal goal is life." - Smiley Blanton