A while ago, I did a writing request meme for Christmas, centering around the titles of The Nutcracker.
insaneladybug had requested one with Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy with Autor and Ahiru. In the piece, which can be found
here (part 1) and
here (part 2), I have Autor playing Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy on piano. So, I browsed through Youtube, listening to piano covers and trying to decide what I liked. There were a few good ones, but being a bass claritnetist (who indeed played this specific solo), I decided that the pianists did not do the bass clarinet solo justice. Sorry, I'm such a music freak. However, luckily enough, I did find one that I was relatively pleased with. I shared the video with
insaneladybug and we both remarked/agreed on how the pianist bore a striking resemblance to Autor. He even wears glasses, (though in the video included below, the glasses don't show up that well).
Today/this evening, I was browsing through my favorites collection on Youtube and re-discovered the video, so I thought I would share. The more I look at him, the more I'm sure that an anime character has manifested into flesh and blood. So, here he is, for your viewing pleasure.
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