sour grapes and holy dates

Oct 10, 2002 18:40

ok, so i know that i have been very elusive lately, but there's a reason! (actually there are several) you should all be proud of me because yesterday morning i played tennis with daniel and i just now got back from working out at the gym. woo hoo! i need to hop in the shower, but first i need to say some things that are on my mind...

C.I.A. Warns That a U.S. Attack May Ignite Terror

A new C.I.A. assessment said Saddam Hussein, while now
stopping short of an attack, could become "much less
constrained" if faced with a U.S.-led force.

U.S. Marine Is Killed in Kuwait as Gunmen Strike Training

In what Kuwaiti officials called a terrorist act, two gunmen
infiltrated a military training exercise and attacked U.S.
troops before being shot dead.

Bush Cites Iraqi Threat Posed to U.S. and Allies

President Bush delivered a purposeful argument for disarming
Iraq, declaring that the U.S. or its allies could be
attacked "on any given day."

war is coming. it sucks, but it's inevitable. congress voted 2-1 today IN FAVOR of the president and his desire to take action against iraq. i don't necessarily think that this is a bad thing and i will tell you why. we have "solid" proof from several sources that future attacks are to be expected in america unless we can stop them beforehand. this has been in the making ever since the gulf war, i mean if you think about it, in many ways the gulf war never ended. the tension has never lifted, the threats (from both sides) have never lifted and the entire middle east is just one giant pot constantly threatening to boil over. now, i don't think that war will nec. solve anything. all of this is never going to end unless something SO drastic happens to the ENTIRE world that we are FORCED to come together as HUMAN BEINGS for the sake of survival. anyone who thinks world peace will come about any other way needs a serious history lesson. now, i'm not saying that what i'm saying (aka my OPINION) is correct, what i'm saying is that this is my belief and everyone is entitled to their own. but i would gladly argue my stand on current events with anyone who wanted to get into a political debate (preferably in person).

"I am not willing to stake one American life on trusting
Saddam Hussein."

"Al Qaeda-type organizations, state sponsors of terrorism
like Iran and the threats they pose to America are beyond
the competence of the F.B.I. and the C.I.A. to address."
-LOUIS J. FREEH, former F.B.I. director.

that's always good to know...

as for this sniper in dc. can we say red dragon much? yeah thanks. he just shot his 9th person today, some poor old guy pumping gas. this is the 7 th person he has killed and he's leaving fucking tarot cards around saying shit like, "DEAR POLICEMAN, I AM GOD" wow. like we really believe that. next thing we know this guys gonna have a massive tattoo and some bad dental problems. that was a good movie btw, maybe i'll review it later. at any rate, this guy is really pissing me off cause he has all the anti-gun legislature assholes doing cartwheels, thinking that this is going to be a great excuse to demand stricter gun laws which my nra upbringing is staunchly against. they are talking about forming a registry by being able to identify a gun by the bullet found at the scene. yes, they can do that, every gun leaves a certain signature on the bullet when it is fired, kind of like a finger print. now, the idea of a registry pisses me off, but the idea of being able to utilize something like that in order to stop insane people DOES appeal to me. the unfortunate thing is that you'd have to identify the signature when the gun is first sold in order to be able to identify it later at a crime scene. conflict. altho i have to admit, out of all the stupid gun control laws they've come up with, this one does make the most sense to me and i'd be much more likely to go for this one. but we'll see what happens. i hope they catch this crackpot soon.

i was glad to see that the stock market got a boost today when a bunch of old white men decided to go on a buying heyday. yay for capitalism! now if only the job market would improve.

it's nice to know that iraq's vice president is sending checks to suicide bombers families as thank you presents and informing them of what code words to use when trying to procure weapons.

and tonite, the long waited barbara walters-fidel castro interview...ahhh amore...matt lauer threw a shitfit thinking he was going to get the much coveted chair opposite cuba's favorite guerilla dictator. now children, sharing is caring.

did anyone else catch the giants game last night when they KICKED ST. LOUIS ASS?!? awww yeah baby. oh yeah...and FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! :-D

speaking of last night...i went bowling with christian and his coworkers over at yerba buena. we brought our english friend tara (ty's sister folks) and i have to say that it was sooo much fun! apparently, nikki, one of christian's co-workers, totally hyped me up to their boss, sayng that i was in the presidio bowling league and that i was a really good bowler so his team better watch out. then she told him that i was normally left handed but that i sprained my wrist and would be bowling with my gimpier right hand. luckily, last night i bowled the best i've ever bowled so i didn't let her down. i got a 101! my best score ever and the first time i have ever broken 100! woo hoo! tara ended up being the mvp tho, she totally won it for her team by aceing her last go at it. go team tara! then christian's sister randomly showed up with a bunch of her friends for one of her friend's birthdays, so that was totally fun and i bowled for her team once. lol. then we went to a bar down the street and drank beer and ate fries. it was a ton of fun. his co-workers are really awesome people. they are the kind of people who work really really hard but then play really really hard. it was awesome.

well, i think that you have experienced enough of my ranting and raving for the time being, so i will leave you now with this:

The children had all been photographed, and the teacher was trying to persuade them each to buy a copy of the group picture. "Just think how nice it will be to look at it when you are all grownup and say, 'There's Jennifer; she's a lawyer,' or 'That's Michael. He's a doctor.'" A small voice at the back of the room rang out, "And there's the teacher. She's dead"..................................
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