(no subject)

Sep 18, 2002 22:10

this is the post that i started earlier but didn't finish:

i think that my mice are spontaneously impregnating themselves! i think that they are ALL pregnant! penelope started looking a lot like delilah this afternoon (hair geting fluffy, weight gain, waddling around instead of walking, etc) and so i specifically looked at eleanor and she looked totally normal. a few (we're talking like exactly 3 min. here people!) minutes later, eleanor looks that way too! what the hell??? i am so confused!

so now i am playing my best "birthing babies" music for delilah so that she will hurry up and spit those things out already! the poor thing :-\

and now i am very sorry to report that delilah died this evening at approx. 2110, less than an hour ago. she was having such a hard time and she looked like she was trying to give birth cause a drop of liquid came out (and i honestly think that she was trying one last time) and then she just collapsed. her body just gave up and i instantly knew that she was dead. with all of those precious little babies inside of her tummy. i freaked out a little, christian had to take her out of the maternity keeper. if penelope and eleanor are pregnant, they better not die because i don't think i can handle anymore of that. no more mama's and babies dying. so i'm a mourning mother instead of a grandma after all...so yeah, i'm really bummed right now. i really shouldn't have any interaction with people for the rest of the night cause i'm in a really bad, somber mood.

i got a package from my dad today but i am going to talk about that next time, it just doesn't feel right to talk about that now.

i'm going to go now. writing this is depressing me. later.
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