So this weekend was a lot of fun. We had Megan's party Friday night and I think she had a great time. Morgan and I bought her a sash that said "birthday princess" and a tiara that said "birthday girl"...she was thrilled haha. Besides a lil bit of drama that went down, things went pretty smoothly. It was amusing to see keg stands in our dining room, ha. Most of the people were up til around 4, but me and Bent and Lee (Brent's brother) went to bed around 2 I think. We drove to Jacksonville the next day to buy a new car for their dad because his got messed up in Katrina. We practically spent allllll day at the freakin dealership. I was so tired. But they did have a nice flat screen tv that I got to watch the UF/Kentucky game on. Of course, by the time half time came, I was pretty bored with it. It was a rather lopsided game to say the least lol. So, we got the car, which is sooo nice by the way (Acura TL) and headed back to Gville. We stopped by McAllister's and got sandwiches and brought them back to the house to eat because by this time it was about 9pm. Cecil (Brent's cousin) and Betsy (Cecil's gf) came over and we all proceeded to go out downtown. We went to Rue Bar. It was pretty crowded but I still had a lot of fun dancing and such. After that we just came home and chilled for a lil while and then we all went to bed. None of us got up until like noon the next day, and then they all left and went back to Orlando :( Me and Morgan proceeded to go to IHOP for breakfast and it was reeeeally yummy. After that we came home and took naps and then worked on some schoolwork. Today was pretty busy. I had to go to the post office to mail Brent the internet card that he left here. Then I went and had my study session and proceeded to spend the next two hours trying to get my last letter of rec turned in. That was a total fiasco let me tell you, but it's done now! Yay! Let the interviews start rolling in (haha yeah right). I do feel better about that now that. After that Me and megs went to Bento and then I went to class. I only stayed for half because I was falling asleep and didn't really wanna go over stats that I already know. Luckily, he gave the bonus quiz before I left :) So that worked out. Now I should be studying for my test tomorrow, but I am procrastinating like crazy. Oh well. Life seems to be pretty good right now. Nothing really horrible and nothing really spectacular. The semester seems to be just flying by!! I can't believe I graduate next semester! ahhh! I am soooooo excited. Ok so I should prolly really get that studying done now...grrr. I also posted some pics from saturday night...enjoy! Later Gators!
Me n Brent...haha he is soooo out of it!
Lee and Cecil...also very out of it lol
Cecil, Lee and Betsy...Lee didn't do so well at the aiming thing
Lee, me and Brent...I love this picture!!!
Candid shot...Betsy and Cecil are soooo cute!
Me n Brent again...I think he was more gone that I realized...haha
how adorable!
Telling stories on Cecil hehe always fun...