Okay, so the 'party' that I'd been dreading ended up as a small gathering of just four of us, and while I was still the lone HP freak in the midst of Twilight fans, I actually ended up enjoying myself. Jaymie had gotten an Edward cake from one of the local bakeries, and I have to share the picture, because even though I'm not a Twilight fan... the cake looked good enough to eat. And not just 'cause it was chocolate.
The discussion over cutting said cake was pretty entertaining, and involved Angie's new word: sparklepen. The only explanation I can really offer for that is that she got a piece from the navel downwards. Including trousers.
By the time we arrived at the theater for the special showing of Twilight, there were already lines for New Moon. It's been sold out here for over a week for the midnight showing, and according to management they filled every theater with it. That's 18 theaters. Because we spent the extra money to see Twilight beforehand (which only played on two screens), we got preferential treatment and got to pick seats in our New Moon theater before the rest of the riffraff. I've never actually done a midnight showing before, so I was a little taken aback by the people lining the halls of the theater as we walked from one side of the building to the other. There were protests, there were catcalls, there was jealousy... I felt a little like a celebrity, honestly, because we were the second group to claim seats in our New Moon theater. I've never been one of the cool people before!
Since we were seated with something like an hour to go before the movie started, I pulled my ever-present notebook from my purse, and I'm now almost finished with chapter 16 of Master of All He Surveys... the irony of writing HP fanfic while waiting for a movie in the Twilight series still makes me giggle, but I'm true to my fandom. The lights finally went down, the theater screen expanded, and the movie started, to a lot less noise than I'd expected. On the whole, people were pretty well-behaved. There was some sniffling at certain parts (Jaymie brought tissues for us girls, I declined and didn't need one), and some catcalling and whistling the first time Jacob took his shirt off... but not all of that was from middle-aged women; the girl next to me, in fact, was 18 (she'd brought her homework to work on while in line).
I'm not going to do movie spoilers. I got home at 3am and essentially collapsed into bed. It's taken me all day to recover. I'm still not a Twilight fan, but I will probably go see this one again while it's still in theaters. Meanwhile, I have a meme to do (yes, tania_sings, I did see that tag!) and then some writing.