May 23, 2006 11:34
Pants falling down, people falling down, people running into large trucks and knocking off the bug guard, big buff stuff’s mom, towing boats across the lake, searching for a missing flip flop, talking around a camp fire with the guys who “came in a kayak”, melted gummy worms, falling asleep to Willie Wanka, white trash tattoos, fosters freeze ice cream, and of course what’s camping with the dance girls with out a game of humble. These are just some of the great memories I have from our annual Memorial Day camping trip. Sadly I have decided that this will be my last year attending this trip, not that I will never go again but this will be the last time for awhile. I have tons of pictures from the previous years and plan to take lots this year as well. I think I am going to make a scrap book of all the years that I went that way no matter where I am I can always look back on those great memories with friends.
I can’t wait until this weekend. I am so looking forward to making a million more great memories with the girls and catching up on life since we have last seen each other. I hope everyone else has a wonderful Memorial Day weekend no matter what it is that you are doing.