Sep 26, 2009 14:52


Collectables rang me and offered me a job so HUZZAH i'm employed!!!

Its only 16 hours a week but will be more as the weeks go by and we get into Christmas. Shop is so cool and look at all the cool designer people coming in to do signings http://collectables.co.uk/pages.php?pageid=7#lilliput_lane i will so be asking for a job with one of them *bounces*

Am so happy to finally have something and the pay is good there, like, really good far better than the other jobs so am dead chuffed *bounces* plus discount...yeah be warned some of you will be getting christmas presents from the shop *does thumbs up* *snorts*

Thought i'd share the good news, start on Tues 11-3 so will tell you all about it then!!!
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