Right well today i went to Bede's world a museum place with outdoor farm and holdings and such. Bede was a famous monk in the N/E who was the first person to do loads of things like work out the real day Easter was to be celebrated on by working out tide times etc i.e. a real genius.
Went as a kid and thought it was ok but today was wholly disappointed. No Saxons or anyone dressed up like I remembered. Plus I was sure their were Viking stuff but there wasn’t. Thing is it started off so well with Roman things so was fangirling as usual but yeah, it was naff. We were only there 40 minutes!!! Ended up at Seaham beach walking along the sea front with our picnic.
Plus wifi password STILL hasn't arrived yet :(
Anyhow tomorrow will be better as we are off to Richmond and then Forbidden Corner which is just AMAZING with my little cousins who are up visiting. Link is here
http://www.theforbiddencorner.co.uk/ “The Forbidden Corner is a unique labyrinth of tunnels, chambers, follies and surprises created in a four acre garden in the heart of the Yorkshire Dales. The temple of the underworld, the eye of the needle, a huge pyramid made of translucent glass, paths and passages that lead nowhere, extraordinary statues - at every turn there are decisions to make and tricks to avoid. This is a day out with a difference which will challenge and delight adults and children of all ages.”
Serious its SO MUCH FUN and the kids will love it, its so well done and its been ages since I last went, am dead excited *bounces*
Got a busy week planned but am so excited to think that soon enough I’ll be in WALESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!