last night i had a dream that michelle had left our apartment door open, and three of the most adorable cats wandered their way in. they were just running around and being cute like kitties tend to be. this dream made me think about my little man...
and his cuteness, and how much i'm going to smother him with love in a few weeks.
this man is the only man who will always stick around. sure he likes to lick too much, and he's an attention whore, but he's faithful to me forevvvver. plus he does the cute prairie dog thing, and has the most awesome meow ever.
anyway, enough about my obsession with pancakes.
this weekend i made a couple of decisions that will improve my life. lights at the end of the tunnel and such. excess is not my friend. and thankfully this is all inspired from within, rather than from an outside source, because that's partially how i had gotten to this point in the first place.