I'm Angelic Cute!! made by
Jen I took the fruity fruit quiz
made by
rav-chan Check out which fruit you are
Who's Your Anime Boyfriend? ....well, that was a shocker. All those answers, and I came out with Mamo-chan?
Woot! I'll take it!
What Magical Girl Are You? What NERV Child Are You? The down-to-earth girl
Which girl stereotype are you? brought to you by
Check it out, man! I wonder how evil you are...
I am 12% evil.
Take the test ::
Damn, I'm tired. I have to work in the morning, too. I'd better get to sleep.
How many quizzes did I take, anyway?
Mike shouldn't be PIC at work! I should be, I've got the seniority!
....And a life, which includes a love life, that he doesn't have. I don't want to be completely antisocial.