(no subject)

Apr 05, 2006 23:17

So instead of doing homework, like a good student, or going to bed, like a sensible little girl, I'm updating livejournal. Because why update when you have nothing else to do?
I'm sitting at Paul's (Julie's boyfriend) house, curled up in a chair with my laptop, because they have wireless in the house (have I mentioned before that I love wireless? Love it.)
And tommorow, too too early, I fly out to visit University of Virginia Law School. Which is why we are at Paul's, since he is uber close to the airport.
The visit should be fun- I'm pretty set on going there, so they really don't have to convince me of anything. I'm going to meet a potential roommate, which is a little strange. I'm going to have to project normal so she will want to live with me.
And now I'm watching the Daily Show too, and will probably watch the Colbert Report, despite the fact I have to be up in 5 hours. I'm sure those hour cat-naps I can get on my two short flights will fix that (if I even succeed in sleeping, I almost never do when I fly).
Virginia offered me bunches of money, what amounts to half tutition, so I feel better about going there and turning down other places.
Not that I needed to turn down Georgetown, they waitlisted me.
And not that I'd complain if Virginia gave me more. But they've been awfully nice already so I'm not going to push my luck.
Paul has cats. This was bad for a while, even though I took Benadryl right when I walked in the door. It must be kicking in now though (2 hours later) because I don't feel like I'm going to die anymore. My throat feels a little funny though, like maybe it's coated with cat hair. I doubt this is the case though. Hopefully.
I really should go to bed or at least read if I'm going to stay up. I can do that now that my eyes don't feel like they are burning out of my head.
Katie Couric gets paid way too much money. $125 million! I can't even imagine that much, and she's going to get it for anchoring nightly news, which really, I can't see her doing. Isn't she nice? Isn't that her thing? Nightly news does not equal nice, it equals gritty and hard-hitting. Today equals soft and fuzzy.
Enough of Katie Couric, I don't really care that much but Stephen Colbert was talking about it.
I should go to bed.
"Just as Jesus died for our sins, Tom Delay's congressional career died for Jack Abramhoff's sins" - Stephen Colbert
Okay, I think I'm done now. This is long enough for you all to remember why I don't update.
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