Sep 01, 2004 22:44

So here we are, facing yet another hurricane this weekend. Seriously, I wonder what has Florida done to deserve 2 of these in 3 weeks?!?!?!? This one is slated to be bigger and badder than Charley was, and I'm not really sure I care to know just how much bigger and badder Frances thinks she is. GRRRR!!!

I know a LOT of people who are still waiting on getting their homes fixed from Charley, and still others who have JUST recently gotten their power back on. We are really going to need a lot of faith and prayers and help to pull us through this one if she stays on the course she's going right now.

Looks like I really am riding this one out. I went and volunteered today saying that if they need me, I just need somewhere to keep Jackson and I'm all theirs if they can keep me in Downtown Disney. Last time, if you remember, I was supposed to be deployed out to Yacht and Beach but when I arrived they didn't need me so they sent me home. I really do NOT want to have to be out driving in this mess again this time. Hopefully I will be able to stay in DD and help out there. They told me to bring comfortable clothes (ie: jeans and tops), so maybe that's a sign they won't throw me out on stage :) Is that horrible of me to not want to be thrown out on stage somewhere with the guests all panic-y and stuff? If so, oops! Sorry! I will definitely help where I am needed, but I don't want to have to be deployed out of my home. Selfish as that may be, so be it.

**Oh and a request please... if any of you are any good at understanding LJ lingo on how to make my page "friends only" to keep Snoopy-Snooperton out of my life, please feel free to help me out. THANKS!!!**
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