Aug 24, 2005 01:51
so i saw system today, well yesterday to be technical. it was awesome! the day was perfect, not too hot, there was a nice breeze. no traffic or missed trains on the way to the city, a GREAT thai lunch before the concert, and best of all FREE TICKETS! it took all of about 45-60 mins. to acquire, all thanks to Spooly, but they were free!
in my attempts to get said free ticket, i got propositioned by some very 'staten' italian scalpers, 3 to be exact. and cussed out by some very intoxicated parking lot folk... it was a lil' daunting for me; i realized how little i like asking people for things, well strangers at least.
back to the good part! so, we missed bad acid trip- i wasn't really 'about' seeing them anyhoo, but we sat as mars volta was playing... it was goodness all the way. then, system took the stage and killed that shit hardcore! GOOD LAWD! i couldn't even stand myself. not only had we found some seats MUCH closer to the stage, but i could actually SEE all of them, and we were sitting/standing/dancing with some pretty fun kiddies. i lost my marbles turing TOXICITY and again during SUGAR. the crazy bus driver on the way back to the city only made it better, and the after show HOT DAWGS was the cherry atop the already perfect evening.
*sigh* it was a good nite. all is well in the world. and my mommy is coming in tomorrow morning!