Jul 22, 2005 17:32
girlwithmojo: hey kid
Cambull69: hey whats up
girlwithmojo: nothin much, still at 'work'
girlwithmojo: you?
Cambull69: jsut got home
girlwithmojo: i wish i were at home
Cambull69: awww
Cambull69: so whatsup
girlwithmojo: it's raining like hell and traffic will be hellish
girlwithmojo: nothing much waiting to officially start the weekend
girlwithmojo: grocery shopping, a nap and out on the town
girlwithmojo: :-)
Cambull69: cool cool
Cambull69: nice
girlwithmojo: you?
Cambull69: jsut sitting here
Cambull69: haqnging out cooling off some
girlwithmojo: :-)
girlwithmojo: sounds relaxing
girlwithmojo: well, i talked to jamie today
girlwithmojo: he's taking the semester off then coming back in the spring and changing his major
Cambull69: whys he changing his major
girlwithmojo: he's not passionate about mining
girlwithmojo: :/
Cambull69: what he changing too
girlwithmojo: he hasn't told mom about the changing of the major though...
girlwithmojo: admin managment and construction. or something like that
Cambull69: oh
Cambull69: hmm
Cambull69: hmmm
girlwithmojo: uh huh... hmm... indeed
Cambull69: yeah
Cambull69: so do you miss home any?
girlwithmojo: well, i dunno if i've ever 'missed' home
Cambull69: oh
girlwithmojo: i miss somethings, when it's quiet in my apt
girlwithmojo: i miss the laughter a lot
Cambull69: yea me too
Cambull69: like what
Cambull69: ok
girlwithmojo: are you feeling homesick?
Cambull69: what ekse do you miss
Cambull69: no not so much that, i just miss things
girlwithmojo: i dunno, people i know, my friends. just shitting about drinking and watching tv
Cambull69: aww
girlwithmojo: sometimes i miss you, but not in 'that'way. just the cuddling...
girlwithmojo: meh, i'll be home soon
Cambull69: miss me how
girlwithmojo: i dunno, i think i just miss affection. i don't want to have sex with anyone in houston, so i miss sex
girlwithmojo: not just with you, but in general... :-)
Cambull69: oh ok
girlwithmojo: ha!
Cambull69: i miss that too
Cambull69: ??
girlwithmojo: i just thought it was a lil' funny
girlwithmojo: sorry
Cambull69: its ok
Cambull69: your the best ive had sooo
girlwithmojo: oh shut up! :-)
Cambull69: im serious
girlwithmojo: thankies
girlwithmojo: i have to listen to a presentation
girlwithmojo: i'll give you a call in a bit
Cambull69: oh
Cambull69: ok
girlwithmojo: later gator~!
Cambull69: byez