Mar 25, 2004 17:52
For some of us lucky students Thursday marks the beginning of a new and exciting weekend. A weekend in which we will get extremely shit faced, multiple times if we are really lucky. Last night started my weekend when Jeff, Mike, and I decided to get a fifth of 100 proof SoCo. According to alcohol edu, if I were to take 8 shots in 8 minutes of it, I would be dead from respiratory arrest. Now there's a goal!!
Today was a pretty good day. I met with my advisor and besides him telling me I was a piece of shit, all went well. So my new major(S) are History and Public Law. Thanks Kevin for making the next three years of my life a living hell.
DanE wants us to go to the gay bar tonight with him. I don't want to have to dance with chicks tho. Then again I highly doubt he dances with guys. Ya never know. DanE I love your I dont know how well I would fit in at a gay bar. Oh well we shall see.
I am pretty sure that's it for the day. I need to start studying since there is only 3 weeks left in the semester.
Oh PS: Thanks to the RA's and the Hall Director for ram shacking the shit out of my room. That was awesome!!