In Depth || Permissions

Feb 22, 2011 17:25


Name: Azula
Age: 16 (I can't buy that she's 14...)
Hometown: Capital, Fire Nation
Nationality: Fire Nationese?
Current Residence: N/A
Occupation: Princess.
Languages: English.


Father: Positive; despite being Ozai's tool Azula yearned for his approval.  After the abandonment from Ty Lee and Mai, he's all she has to fall back on and in the end she wishes to make him proud.
Mother: Mixed.  Though she claims not to care that Ursa left, it clearly has a heavy effect after Azula loses it.  She secretly wants her mother to be a big part in her life.
Brother: Negative; Azula was ready to go as far as to kill Zuko in the end.  She views him as a failure and let down to their family.
Uncle: Negative; though it's possible he tried to have a positive effect on her, Azula made an attempt to kill him.  He is, in her eyes, another let down in the family.
Mai & Ty Lee:  Negative; after their 'betrayal' to save Zuko, Azula lost her self control and proper state of mind.  I'm sure with some convincing, this could change...
Aang & Friends: Negative; her main goal in the series is to find and kill the Avatar.  She holds no sympathy for any of them.
Significant Other: Nobody.
Children: None.


Race: Fire-bender.
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 116 lbs.
Build: Slender/Athletic.
Eye Color: Gold. 
Hair Color: Black.
Skin color: Pale.
Glasses or contact lenses?: No.
Distinguishing features: Almost always wears her hair pulled back in a bun at the back of her head except for her bangs.
Habits: Lying through her teeth.
Health: Healthy.
Hobbies: Fire-bending, ordering others around, looking for Aang...
Disabilities: None.


Any Mental Illnesses?: No...unless possible insanity counts.
Learning Experiences: Well educated and strategic in battle.
Character's short-term goals in life: Kill the Avatar.
Character's long-term goals in life: Be Fire Lord. 
How does Character see himself/herself?: Perfect.
How would others describe your Character?: Arrogant, snobbish, evil.
How self-confident is the character?: Not as much as she pretends to be.


Does the character seem ruled by emotion or logic or some combination thereof?: Logic unless it's someone personal.
Introvert or Extrovert?: Extrovert.
How does the character deal with anger?: Keep calm and burn some people.
With sadness?: Keep to herself or break down. 
With conflict?: Still stay calm; she'd rather get in your head than physically harm most cases.
With change?: Likes only if for the better.
With loss?: Just lose it.
What would most embarrass this character?: Imperfection.
What would the character like to change in his/her life?: Her mother, Mai, and Ty Lee.
What motivates this character?: Being the best.
What makes this character happy?: Victory.
Is the character judgmental of others?: Somewhat.
Is the character generally polite or rude?: She masks her rudeness by feigning kindness.


Does the character believe in God?: Yes.
What are the character's spiritual beliefs?: Agni or something...that's her god.
Is religion or spirituality a part of this character's life?: Not really.
If so, what role does it play?: N/A


Food: Anything that's fine dining.
Drink: Water.
Color: Red.
Music: None.
Season: Summer.


I believe when we die, we: Go into the afterlife.
The greatest thing one person can do for another is: Stay loyal; do as told.
The ugliest thing I ever saw was: Zuko's face. 
The most beautiful thing I ever saw was: Fire.
If there was one thing, I could change about my looks it would be: Any resemblance to Ursa.


Kissing/hugging/etc: At your own risk - I'd wait until she was fond of your character.
Injuries: Can work with - if it’s more developed/planned let me know.
Killing: Let me know.
Mindreading/memory wiping/etc.: Just let me know for either and perhaps something can be arranged. For the memory wiping, I’d have to require it to come back eventually.

community, permissions, azula, rpg, in depth

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