character info.

Mar 26, 2011 21:08

OOC Information:
Name: Sam.
Age: 17.
AIM: xxsammarie

IC Information:
Name: Azula .
Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender.
Timeline: Post Season Two. 
Age: 15.
Appearance: Slender/Athletic; pale skin, gold eyes, black hair.

Abilities: She’s able to bend/manipulate fire of the four elements and has the special ability to emit lightening; though it can only be controlled so much.

Personality: Azula has a very distinct personality. As princess of the Fire Nation and initial favorite to her father, she views herself above others. She’s very admirable in skill but at the same time very manipulating. She knows how to get what she wants and uses it to her full advantage. This is first seen when she wants Ty Lee to join her in hunting Aang and Zuko. Ty Lee insists she’d rather stay at the circus until that very night; Azula stays to watch a show. She set’s the safety net on fire and lets the animals loose for ‘entertainment’. Ty Lee, realizing this will be reoccurring until she agrees, says she’s changed her mind and would rather travel with Azula.

Controlling and deceptive are her two most well-known traits. ‘Azula always lies’ has become an infamous quote by her brother, Zuko. First seen when she lies to take Zuko prisoner by claiming their father wants him home, Azula lies on numerous occasions in the series. To prove she’s good at it, she tells Toph she’s a 400 foot purple platypus with silver wings; Toph is able to tell lies by feeling the race of the heartbeat. Azula passes the lie-detector test.
Despite all the bad in her, Azula needs followers. She’s nothing without them. After Mai and Ty Lee go against her to defend Zuko, she literally loses her trust in everyone around her and banishes everyone that serves her in the palace before she’s even been crowned Fire Lord.

History: Azula is daughter to Fire Lord Ozai and Lady Ursa. She was born approximately two years after her brother, Zuko. As a child, Azula was always favored for being so prodigal in the art of fire-bending, even to her grandfather, whom she was named after. At such a young age, one can also so who it is Azula favors more. She’s impolite to her mother; only sweet when it’s a façade. Her rebellion is frequent and she often ignores what Ursa tells her, but it’s easy to see she only wants her mother’s love. On the other hand, Azula is happy to do whatever is asked of her by her father. Her manipulative behavior is seen with both Ursa and Zuko - though she endlessly torments her brother in abnormal ways. When their mother, Ursa, disappears (around when Azula is 8 or so) Azula laughs it off and teases Zuko for it, claiming nobody is around to defend him. This makes her brother feel even more isolated but doesn’t seem to affect Azula in the least.

As she gets older, it’s easy to depict she hasn’t changed all that much. Her first appearance is in a flashback, at an arranged Agni Kai (fire-bending battle) between Zuko and their father. Having spoken out in the war room causes Zuko to be forced into such a thing. Refusing to raise a hand to his father, he leaves with half his face scorched and is sent on exile with his uncle. Azula is seen smiling the whole time in a mocking manner. She’s sent after the Avatar at the very end of season one, when it seems Zuko has failed his task to regain his honor.

Along her mission, Azula recruits two childhood friends she knows can handle it. Ty Lee, a perky circus runaway who knows pressure points, insists she’s happy where she is at the circus. Azula says it’s fine but asks to watch some of Ty Lee’s performances. Being royalty, she’s granted her request with no known hesitation. She ends up lighting Ty Lee’s safety net on fire and letting all the animals loose to terrorize her friend. She succeeds and Ty Lee agrees to go with her with no complaint. Mai, a cynical knife-thrower, goes without second thought. She claims her home life is boring and would rather do anything than be trapped there.

After going through the difficulty of capturing the Earth Kingdom’s Kyoshi Warriors and stealing their uniforms, Azula and her recruits go to Ba Sing Se, a city guarded by walls that is completely unaware of the war going on outside of them. They play the role of the warriors, sent to aid the city, and Azula ends up leading an army of Dai Li soldiers, demoting their former leader to imprisonment. As her trip nears its end, Azula confronts Zuko and offers him to assist her in a battle with the Avatar that’s only moments away. Their uncle is his good influence and tries to convince him to refuse. In the end, Zuko fights alongside Azula and together they kill the Avatar (who’s later revived by water from the Spirit Oasis).

Upon returning to the Fire Nation, Azula tells Ozai that it was Zuko who killed the Avatar. It’s a lie that makes her brother grow wary. Azula only does this because she’s skeptical of the Avatar’s death and knows her brother can’t openly say he could be alive. Zuko knows it’s a possibility but chooses to remain silent. During this time, Zuko and Mai develop a romantic relationship, one that makes Azula somewhat jealous. She has no problem interrupting them for anything. The day an attack is planned, Azula confronts the Avatar and his friends alone while Zuko goes to confront his father. She distracts them long enough to regain her bending and fight back. She’s also kept Dai Li agents by her side for backup.

Azula arrives at the Boiling Rock prison with Ty Lee and Mai. The Princess interrupts the Warden's interrogation of the guard who is accused of taking part in a failed prison-escape attempt, only to inform him of his mistake: the guard was not one of the groups she was sure was responsible for the escape plan: Team Avatar.

She and Ty Lee later battle Sokka, Suki, and Zuko on the gondola. While Ty Lee fights Suki, Azula takes on Zuko and Sokka. Zuko manages to block her fire blasts, while Sokka moves in to strike her with his sword. Yet, despite their efforts, neither Zuko nor Sokka manage to defeat her. As the guards are about to cut the lines and drop the gondola into the boiling lake below, she and Ty Lee back flip onto the other gondola. Much to her dismay, she finds her friend Mai defeating the guards to save Zuko and his friends.

After the battle, she tells Mai that she shouldn't have saved Zuko, since she knew the consequences. However, Mai tells Azula that she miscalculated, and she now loves Zuko more than she fears Azula. The idea of an emotion she has never fully experienced being stronger than her ability to instill fear and control sends her over the edge. As the tension rises, Azula and Mai are about to fight, but just before Azula can attack, Ty Lee suddenly blocks off two of her chi paths and paralyzes her, much to the surprise of all three of the girls. The guards come to Azula's aid, and she tells the guards to put Ty Lee and Mai where she can never see their faces again, and "let them rot".

This marks an important turning point in her life because following the betrayal of her friends, Mai and Ty Lee, she never displays her cold merciless precision and clarity of mind again. It's possible that she considered them to be the only friends she had ever had, and that it seemed to her that Zuko had stolen them from her.

Overall Info Rating: G - NC17.
Death: Discuss beforehand please.
Smut: Only if it seems reasonable - message me first!
Yaoi - Het - Yuri: No thank you.

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