Mr Gemmie is out, being trendy in east london. grumble. I was waaay too tired for anything tonight. So, I am watching ish, Holyoaks. it's confusing.
today work was horrrrrrrrrrrrrrible. but after tomorrow, I have 5 days offf :D yee. It's so hot on the shop floor. Today I had to work at liberty of london for half the day... which was ghorrible as no one from LOL was there, and the sales have just started and nothing was marked and very little had a barcode. Lazy bastards. also, the world music is so loud in there.
QUESTION: what is worse than 8 hours of world music (actually 9 because I used my lunch to do my xmas shopping) answer: 8 hours of christmas world music. fact.
on tuesday I dipped my toe into the life style of someone much much better off/cooler than myself. We went on an office xmass dinner thing. first, we dinned at the Wolsey (horror!), where I had the most tastiest yummiest duck ever. also, they had pickled cucumber salad, which was ace. I heart pickle. then we went to bungalow 8, where the dj played 50 cent, prince, jackson 5, Blacksheep, M.I.A. and many other cheesey fun songs, then spoony turned up. he sucks. mucho. it turns out, in fancy clubs you can have your own table, where they bring little buckets of ice, different juices, tonics, lemons and litres of snowqueen vodka. mm. very strange! a waitress told some chaps off for putting their glasses on our tables. confusing. The toilets were pretty and I enjoyed the over sized plant pots. I saw a very small snail on one. Sadly, I did not spot josh hartnett or ... only a selection of suited city types and girls in shiny dresses dancing like van damme in kickboxer. (which can be seen here luckily my boss, charlotte was paying for it all, she is very lovely and generous, and I feel a little bad to be honest.
anyway, it was very fun! But scary for a scruffy mumbling idiot like myself.
now that I am being paid for both my jobs I'm feeling a little richer and due to the loss of my lunchbox (sadness) I have been having lunch out every day. mm Leon, Mmm pret mmm ladbrooke grove sainsburys full of old rich people and giagantic christmas cheeses.
I had to stop going in pret as much as a man who works there struck up a conversation with me because we live near each other and he'd seen me on the tube. then he gave me my lunch (a hefty lunch that day, jalepeno chicken wrap, latte, plum juice, banana and a christmas crimble) for £2 (it was a long day and the banana was for my break). I think I have some sort of social phobia. same thing happened at london bridge M&S simply food.
today I spent a £50 note for the first time ever. spending cash is terrofying. so much panic. it's so much realer than paying by card. shudder. I got myself some lime green leather gloves :D mmm staff discount ontop of 50% discount. I tried on a luella dress... and some vivienne westwood/mellisa shoes... the dress was still too expensive :( but it is my dream dress. sad. the shoes were too small, then too big. GODAMN. I could have had them and then tottered around in pearly white rubber shoes :( sad.
must resist. Council tax. electricity bill. gar.
Tomorrow I go home :D :D :D :D at about 12 midnight. yeeeee :D I have no idea what I will do with myself. all my spare time lately has been spent doing chores or trying to demould the flat.
vinegar is the key! alll hail vinegar!
the walls are still very wet. plus, there is a pool around the toilet that appears every few days... I fear it is leaking.
please god. don't let it be leaking.