(no subject)

Dec 01, 2008 21:30

yesterday I cried at work. I am traumatised.
No deerhoof, Chromeo, tatty devine party, wedding present, or co christmas party. but I can go home for 4 days over christmas.
To add to my pain, a new girl has started... she's completely moronic... and obsessed with me. she follows me around the shop floor making comments about customers, for example "look at those ugly flat nosed romans. you have the one with the glasses"
or "oh my god. lesbians, IN THE CHOCOLATE SHOP" or "mm fittie, dingding DING"
Now, I am no sales professional... but I'm fairly sure it's inappropriate to comment on customers while they are still in the store and whilst other customers can hear you. I cannot escape her.  
She told an elderly customer that I was a single mother. She also commented on the size of my bottom whilst I was serving someone.
and on friday night she shouted across the shop floor "you and your boyfriend better raise your children christian so they don't end up blowing people up"... :| oh, that's right. Christians have never hurt anyone... like, in giant crusades or anything.
Every 5 mins she tells me I am so sweet or cute. baah. I hate her. I HATE HER.
she has my phone number. she wants to go out. she thinks we are friends! 
I'd tell her we weren't friends, I think she may be a psycopath. I have a feeling she is like drew barrymore's character in poison ivy. I am like the other dorky one. she's going to kill my ma and seduce my dad! shit.
seriously though, she is scary and insane. plus annoying.
Well, Lucky for me I am working the majority of the time, so it is unlikely I will see her outside of work. shudder.
I need to introduce her to someone else she can annoy, constantly.
anyway. Today I made a CD cover for the CD look books that will be sent to stores :D it looks like a record. yay. it was fun.
I must never cry at work again. crying makes everything worse. I couldn't stop because I was so annoyed at myself for crying, and then I got upset because I didn't want people to think that I was crying to get my own way. Maria, my manager had told me that I had from the saturday
before christmas till friday off. I booked my train ticket, as did mr gemmie. but then the printed rota came and I was working all the dates I asked not to work plus 20,21,22,23,24 and 27th,  I just kept imagining having to stay in the flat on my own over christmas, and it made me really sad. plus, I was exhausted, and for a second I saw my life stretch out before me, hours and hours wasted telling people where the christmas shop is... lugging my laptop around on public transport... returning to a dirty cold house, boyfriend lying on the floor, half asleep surrounded by bowls... making stupid phone calls, emails, trying to find time to go to the post office to collect parcels.  sigh.
I am officially flakey and weepy. I can't wait till I can work a normal 40 hour week.
instead I am working new year. I don't care, new year can kiss my grits. hootenanny this.
I'm sad I won't be able to go to gigs :( oh well. At least I got to see My Vitriol last week. it was dirty. amusing. horrifying and nostalgic. I quite enjoyed it really after I got over the initial discomfort and snidities. it was odd how many people were there. I guess some people never grow out of the music they liked when they were a teenager. anyway, seeing them filled me with a kind of weird tingly sick nervous.
Ever since I have been revisiting some bands that I used to like. I haven't built up the courage to listen to muse yet.
I am tired and life feels very hard at the moment. but I have 2 advent calenders and the evening to myself :D 
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