Oct 29, 2008 22:19
yay! I have the internet...with one small hitch... I wondered why my username didn't work. it's because I am tayton. I like it, sounds kinda medievil for tainted. t'monk was tayton fer yover moree. I possibly just proved that I know nothing of medievil dialect. oh well.
I have had an exciting week.
I signed off and emmie came over on friday, we had soup.
saturday me and sir gemmie hopped on the bus to go see an exibition by charles avery, which was really pretty and interesting and free. He had made up a story about a fictional place, and told the story like a puzzle with pictures and sculptures. He'd put so much into the whole thing. I would like the book, but it's £30. daaar.
sunday our landlord came over and we ejected the sofa from the house! yay. It was rotting. now the flat smells normal :D yee. then we went to see a lovely lady called sami, who was hanging out with zombies.
monday I started my internship at Charlotte Olympia. It was goodish, although I did some of my work wrong, it's quite hard to draw someone elses design, on the computer without seeing it first. but I know the kit better now and I've got templates etc. I really love illustrator. sometimes it drives me insane though. there are only really 3-4 people in the studio, even less today, there was only 2 of us today. I've done other bits, like sending off samples, for Beyonce and PR. Beyonce :D snort. Charlotte olympia has just had a baby. it's cute. I've had a lot of baby exposure lately.
tueday I had my last day at tatty :( I was really sad! and I think I managed to offend amelia, of amelias magazine by telling her that I couldn't afford to buy the magazine but that I always drooled at it in shops. oops. but then I went to her house (to collect magazines for the shop, not a social call) and she said she was desperate for interns, and I was like DARN, because I would love love love to intern there. I even read the blog, which is pretty good.
then today I was in Charlotte Olympia again, I did illustrator pics, I learnt how to package shoes for vogue, it's surprisingly complicated. erm, I wandered to portobello road at lunch and had some millionare's shortbread. it's good stuff! I nearly got some shoes.
Tomorrow I start a real job! at Liberty! yay. I'm really quite worried... I have no retail experience... I suck at most things. I don't like people. But I like liberty... and Marc by marc jacobs *drool*
Then after work I'm going to release the bats. Mr gemmie love les savy fav. I love eggs.
horror. People are going to pay me. Don't they realise I'm an idiot? The HR lady is suspiciously nice.. it frightens me. it was like being interviewed by Dawn Porter. perky. nice... but perky. like mockingly perky. I'm sure she's lovely and I'm just being lame.
erm. I cried at bicentenial man. it repulsed me, amused me, and then hit me with sadness. why does life have to be so cruel and beautiful?
also, I found a new kind of apple, called pom d'altitude. it's very tasty. thank you local b RIGHT. it is right.