May 06, 2004 10:32
Good news... I can update my journal this summer (I can feel the excitement)
I crossed my fingers as I signed on to aol 4.0 (yes 4.0) on our 1996 apple macintosh pos and everything worked! Well almost everything. I am unable to sign on as Sunflowergal619 which is the sn you all know. After many attempts of putting the dial up on my computer and thinking about buying a modem that would work and plug in right I decided to come up with a new screen name for me to use only while I am home. It's picklegal619. I figured the 619 would be a giveaway for everyone since I put that after pretty much everything and the pickle would help too. So add me to your buddy list and I'll add you, if you're lucky. I can't tell when people are away or not so if you wanna talk to me, most likely I'll wait to be imed by you!
Well I just wanted to make a quickie update and let all of you know about my at home screen name!