Summer Knitty: A Review

Jul 01, 2004 16:19

Warning: This post talks exclusively about knitting.

For all three of you out there who care, the Summer issue of Knitty went live last night. Here are my thoughts.

I had heard that the theme for this issue was "Sex and the Knitty," so I was expecting some racy, lingirie-inspired pieces. I was not, however, expecting NOTHING THAT CAN BE WORN IN PUBLIC. Okay, that's a gross overstatement, but I'm really disappointed that there's so much underwear this time. I do not want to knit my own underwear. First of all, I do not want to know how much yarn it really takes to cover my gargantuan ass. Second, in case you haven't noticed, I have a large chest. A large chest requires support, something I am certainly not going to get from a knitted garment.

The Good: Vicky is pretty and clever, and mad props go to emmacrew for the most plus-size-friendly pattern I've seen in the magazine to date. That being said, I probably won't bother with it, because I'd be way too self-conscious to wear it.
Hush Hush is absolutely adorable, and I am sorely tempted to knit it, shortening the length to that it hits at upper-thigh and wearing it over jeans. Alas, the designer does not appear to realize that I am not an A-cup, and I really have no idea how one would go about adding shaping in the middle of that lace pattern. Damn.
I also like the idea of knitting fishnets, but the laces in the back are no no no bad. I'm going more for "punk goddess" than "trailer park stripper", kthx.

The Bad: What the fuck do I need a condom cozy for? Yes, I'm bitter. Shut up.
Ew and double ew.

The Ugly: Allusion. This one seems to be rather popular over on knitting, but for the love of god, ladies, this is one fugly top.

And, the features. A Kitchener stitch article which I only skimmed, but is probably good. Jessica Fenlon's piece about knitting patterns, which had a couple of good tidbits, but not as much useful information as her last one. A lovely personal story of a woman reconciling her craft with her place in the lesbian community. Everything else is crap. Don't waste your time. Oh! Almost forgot, Jenna's column has been delayed, so be sure to check back for it later. Her articles are usually extremely well-written and informative.

Well, there you have it. Amy's effort this time around was admirable. I appreciate the attempts at themed issues, and this one definitely had some of the fun, quirky items that I've come to expect from Knitty. That being said, there's really nothing here that I'd make if someone gave me the yarn, and I'm pretty sure that's the first time I've been able to say that about this magazine. So overall, my rating is: cute, but eh.
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