Aug 04, 2007 20:00
Well lets see what is going on in this little world of mine not that anyone reads this but i will type aimlessly in to this blank screen as though i am reaching out to someone but in truth I'm not...
Christel is across from me in our dining room and we both have our little lab tops out (hers is a mac and my little gateway) and faintly in the background you hear brand new....
Last weekend we went on a tubing adventure with one of our friends from work.... yes we do have friends down here... and my legs got sun poisoning... i have the nastyest legs in the world right now complete with blisters.
Now some of you might have recived a stu-trad about christels new job I am quite elated with this she sits across from my cubical its pretty awesome! We also car pool with another guy and his wife and him are a riot I love hanging out with them! Speaking of I got to eddie and Jenna today that was exciting his vicarage ends next week.
This coming week is going to be a blur I won tickets from CPH to see the cards play and we are going to that there is some event i would like to check out at the church i plan on attending and we (Christel and i) are going shopping with some girls from work!
I hope that this finds who ever is reading my babble doing well
much love!